Questionnaire Text

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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

38. Marital status

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Widowed

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38. Marital status:
Filled by persons whose ages (12) years and more means they were born in 1985 and the years before without regarding to the sex and the person have one of the marital statuses:
1. Never married:
Means the person who is not got married before male or female and it is indicated by the sign (x) in square (1) for the one who corresponds this status.
2. Married:
Male or female who has a marriage certification which is signed before the census day and the bond is still continuing the person is considered married if the marriage bond is still continuing and not dwelling together. There are some cases that if the person has two wives and one of them died or divorced before the census day and the other is still with him, in this case the person is counted as married and not counted as widowed or divorced therefore it is indicated by the sign (x) in square (2) from this field.
3. Divorced:
Per person male or female married before the census day and the marriage bond was cut before census day according to the Iraqi law even if it is not registries in court. Indicated by the sign (x) in square (3) opposite to the word (divorced). The Christian who are separated from their husbands or wives counted as divorced and indicated by the sign (x) in square (3).
4. Widowed:
Male or female who got married and their marriage ended before the census day because of the death of the husband or wife and on the census day that person is not connected by other marriage bond the widowed is indicated by the sign (x) in square (4) from this field.