Questionnaire Text

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[The following instructions apply to questions 16 to 26]
Fill for each household living alone in the residential unit, if occupied by more than one household, only one of the households should respond.

25. Source of drinking water in the residential unit

[] 1 Water nets
[] 2 Public tap
[] 3 Well
[] 4 River or waterwheel
[] 5 Other

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25. The source of drinking water in the residential unit:
Indicated by the sign (x) in the correct square, for example if the residential unit provided with drinking water from public water net or governmental water net the sign is put in the square (1) opposite to the phrase (public water net or governmental water net). If the residential unit is provided with drinking water from a public tap the sign is put in the square (2) opposite to the phrase (public tap). The public tap means (the tap of the governmental water net that is available in a public place in the district or village that provides a number of residential units). If the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from a well the sign is put in the square number (3) opposite to the word (well). If the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from a river or a stream the sign is put in the square number (4) and if the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from other sources in the questionnaire such as tankers and springs the sign is put in the square number (5) opposite to the word (others).