Questionnaire Text

Armenia 2001 Germany 1971 Poland 2002 Portugal 2011
Armenia 2011 Germany 1981 Poland 2011 Ukraine 2001
Belarus 2009 Germany 1987 Portugal 1981
China 2000 Greece 2011 Portugal 1991
Germany 1970 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Portugal 2001
Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_INCSRC1 — Source of livelihood: source 1
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Is not completed for temporary presents
[Questions 16-32 were asked of persons absent and permanently present only. Persons who are temporarily present are not included.]

Q18: What is your source of livelihood?

18a: _ _ primary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

18b: _ _ secondary source

[] 01 Job (except at own household)
[] 02 Job at your own household
[] 03 Income from ownership
[] 04 Scholarship
[] 05 Pension
[] 06 Allowance (except unemployment)
[] 07 Unemployment allowance
[] 08 Under state security/care
[] 09 Other monetary assistance, state sources
[] 10 Other monetary assistance, non-state sources
[] 11 Under care of others
[] 12 Other sources

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Question 18

The sources of the means of your existence (main and secondary)

[p. 21]

Before beginning of the questions, the interviewer presents the list of the sources of the means of the existence to the replier. From this list, the replier chooses two means of existence, one of them referring as the main (column "18a") and the other one as the secondary (column "18b"). Based on the received answers, the interviewer writes the identification code corresponding to the chosen means of existence.

01. "Work (except the personal industry). The code corresponding to this prompt is written for those people who have a job in which they earn money or food-products or a profitable occupation regardless of the time of the receiving a payment for the job or earning a profit.

02. "Work in the personal industry". The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are busy in their personal industry (farm) with agriculture work or in keeping domestic animals. This source is written not only for those who are busy with agriculture for selling proposes but also for those who are producing for the usage in their personal industry if such occupation makes a considerable contribution in the general consumption of the household.

03. "Profit from the property". This is written for those people:

(a) who are depositors, creditors and get a profit in interests by using their money credits, deposits, loans and so on.
(b) who are shareholders and get dividends from the joint-stock company by the difference of the exchange rate of the stocks.
(c) who rent a plot or house and earn a profit by the payments for the rent.

04. "Scholarship". This prompt code is written for those students who get a scholarship.

05. "Pension". This prompt code is written for those people who get a pension:
For example, a pension for general work, age pension, pension for handicap children, social pension, pension for people who became handicapped at the time of the military service, pension for the families of the veterans. When the money earner has died, the pension determined for children is for the children and not for the mother or father even if they are the ones who got that pension, and the pension for the family is written by the name of the person who gets it (for example the pension for the families of the veterans).

06. "Benefit (except the unemployment benefit)". This prompt code is written for those people who get a monthly social benefit (for example poverty, family benefit, one-off benefit given for the nursing of the children under the age of two and other benefits).

07. "Unemployment benefit". This prompt code is written for those people who are registered as an unemployed in the employment services and get an unemployment benefit as well as financial assistance from the resources of the employment fund.

08. "Under the state care". This prompt code is written for the children of the orphanages, for the students living in the boarding schools, for the old and handicapped living in the nursing homes as well as for other people living under the care of the state.

09. "Other material assistance (from the state resources)". This prompt code is written who get material assistance from the state (or regional) resources under the conditions that has no connection with the work.

10. "Material assistance (from non state resources)". This prompt code is written for those who periodically get a material assistance without compensation from non state resources. For example from relatives and not relatives from organizations and so on.

11. "Under care". This prompt code is written for those who live by the resources of the relatives and other people as well as for those who get alimony. For example if the alimony is paid to the under-age children, who are the alimony receivers, then "Under care" prompt code is written for the children and not for the mother or father.

12. "Other resource". This prompt code is written only for those people whose source of the existence is not mentioned above (for example saving and so on).

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_LIVELIHD — Main source of livelihood
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14. Main source of livelihood:

[] Wage employment
[] Self-employed on peasant farm
[] Self-employed in other spheres
[] Income from ownership (from peasant farm, rents received from tenancy, interests, dividends)
[] Use of credits, savings and capital sale (including property)
[] Pension
[] Benefit from state bodies
[] Benefit from non-state sources
[] Scholarship
[] Under the state security
[] Under the security of non-state charitable public organization

Monetary assistance

[] From state sources
[] From relatives, friends, acquaintances living in abroad
[] From relatives living in Armenia
[] Dependents
[] Other sources
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Question 20

The main source of the means of your existence

Before the beginning of the questioning the interviewer represents the list of the sources of the means of the existence to the replier. From this list the replier chooses his/her answer. Based on the received answers the interviewer writes the identification code corresponding to the chosen mean of existence.

"01" Hired employment. The code corresponding to this prompt is written for those people who has a job expressed by money or food-products or a profitable occupation regardless the time of the getting a payment for the job or getting a profit.
"02" Self-employment in agriculture. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are busy in their personal farm with an agriculture work or keeping domestic animals. This source is written not only for those who are busy with agriculture for selling proposes, but also for those who are producing for the usage in their personal industry if such occupation makes a considerable invention in the general consumption of the household.
"03" Self-employment in other spheres. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are involved in other spheres of economy, except the agriculture.
"4" Income from property. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who get their means of existence from the following sources:

a. Income from the cash deposits, providing of the loans and other credits etc.
b. Incomes from the difference in exchange rates of the sold shares and other forms of dividends,
c. Income rent from the leasing of the land and property,
d. In-kind (nonmonetary) income.

"5" Use of loans, savings and sale of capital (including the property)
"6" Pensions. This prompt code is written for those people who get a pension: pension for general work, age pension, pension for handicap children, social pension, pension for people who got handicapped at the time of the military service, pension for the families of the veterans. Besides when the money earner is died the pension determined for children, is for the children and not for the mother or father even if they are the ones who get that pension, and the pension for the family is written by the name of the person who gets it (for example the pension for the families of the veterans).
"7" Public benefits. "Benefit (except the unemployment benefit)". This prompt code is written for those people who get a monthly social benefit (foe example poverty, family benefit, one-off benefit given for the nursing of the children under the age of two and other benefits). "Unemployment benefit". This prompt code is written for those people who are registered as a unemployed in the employment services and get an unemployment benefit as well as financial assistance form the resources of the employment fund.
"8" Benefits from non-state sources
"9" "Scholarship". This prompt code is written for those students who get a scholarship.
"10" "Under the state care". This prompt code is written for the children of the orphanages, for the students living in the boarding schools, for the old and handicapped living in the nursing homes as well as for other people living under the care of the state.
"11" Under the care of non-governmental charity institutions
"12" "Monetary transfers (from the state sources)". This prompt code is written who get material assistance from the state (or regional) resources under the conditions that has no connection with the work.
"13" "Monetary transfers (from relatives residing outside Armenia)". "Material assistance (from non-state resources)". This prompt code is written for those who periodically get a material assistance without compensation from non-state resources. For example from relatives and not relatives, from organizations and so on.
"14" "Monetary transfers (from relatives residing outside Armenia)".
"15" "Under care". This prompt code is written for those who live by the resources of the relatives and other people as well as for those who get alimony. For example if the alimony is paid to the under-age children, who are the alimony receivers, then "Under care" prompt code is written for the children and not for the mother or father.
"16" "Other source". This prompt code is written only for those people whose source of the existence is not mentioned above (for example saving and so on).

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_LIVEHOOD — Main source of livelihood
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

16. Indicate the sources of means for existence available to you in the current year:

[] 1 Employment (other than in personal plot)
[] 2 Personal subsidiary plot
[] 3 Scholarship
[] 4 Pension (other than disability pension)
[] 5 Disability pension
[] 6 Benefit (other than unemployment one)
[] 7 Unemployment benefit
[] 8 Other type of state benefit
[] 9 Renting out space, property, interests, dividends
[] 10 Savings
[] 11 Dependent
[] 12 Other source
In case the interviewed person has a number of sources, please indicate the main one _ _
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33.13. Before asking question 16 "Indicate the sources of livelihood available to you in the current year", the enumerator should introduce to the respondent a list of sources of livelihood. The respondent names one or several sources of livelihood from the list provided. According to the responses received, the enumerator should complete corresponding boxes. For persons having several sources of livelihood, the enumerator should find out the main source and enter it in a designated box.
The answer "employment (other than in personal plot)" should be completed for respondents who receive pay in cash or in kind, bonuses, and other compensation payments related to the performance of employment duties, as well as for respondents with income from agricultural production cooperatives, peasant (farming) enterprises, entrepreneurial activities, work in religious organizations, etc.

The answer "personal subsidiary plot" should be completed for respondents who in their personal subsidiary plots are engaged in cropping, livestock and poultry management, and other farming operations regardless of the purpose of activities carried out in the personal subsidiary plot: either for further sale of goods (services) produced or for own consumption.

The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents to whom monthly government benefits are granted.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for respondents: mothers (fathers) or their substitutes who specified as their source of livelihood nursing benefits (for children under 3) and care allowance for handicapped children under 18.
The answer "benefit (other than unemployment benefit)" should be completed for children to whom the following benefits are granted:
- pupils aged 3-16 years who attend institutions providing secondary general education- until graduation therefrom;
- non-working students who at personal expenses attend classes at institutions providing technical-vocational, secondary special, and higher education and do not receive a scholarship- up to 18 years old;
- persons under 18 infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or AIDS.
The answer "unemployment benefit" should be completed for respondents registered with labour, employment and social security services as unemployed.

The answer "other type of government benefit" should be completed for respondents supported by government bodies or institutions (inmates of infant's homes, boarding houses for handicapped children with special needs, homes for the aged, etc.).

The answer "letting, renting, interests, dividends" should be completed for respondents having rental income from land plots, houses, apartments, country cottages, garages, etc.; interests, dividends or other payments against money deposits, bonds or other securities.

The answer "savings" should be completed for respondents the source of livelihood for whom is accumulated savings (in cash or in kind).

The answer "dependent" should be completed for respondents living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.

The answer "other source" should be completed for respondents having other sources of livelihood than those listed above;

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_INCUNMP — Source of income for the unemployed
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22. Please indicate the sources for the living expenses

[] 1 Retirement pension
[] 2 Receiving stipend for living
[] 3 Supported by other family members
[] 4 Income from properties owned
[] 5 From insurance
[] 6 Other
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Part One. Personal Records

The following questions reflect economic characteristics of the population.

R17 through R24 apply to persons who are 15 years or older.

R22. Sources of living expenses for unemployed persons
The question has six standard answers. If a person has multiple sources of income, record the one that is his or her major income source.

Retirement pensions, meaning those retired and live on pensions. Those retired persons who return to engage in social works and receiving reimbursement (or payment) are considered employed persons and should answer R20.
Receiving basic stipend for living, meaning receiving support according to basic living necessities (not to the salary standard). This includes stipend offered by closed-down enterprises or social security funds offered to laid-off workers, disabled persons, families of martyrs, or families who qualified as "five guarantees".
Supports from family members, meaning the person receives subsidies from other family members.
Property-related incomes, meaning the person lives on interests, dividends, or rents from savings, loans, stock shares, property rentals, etc.
Insurance, meaning the person lives on insurance provided by insurance companies.
Others, meanings any status that are not captured by the above categories.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_WORK — Worked for income last week
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17. Current employment status. Please indicate whether or not worked for at least 1 hour with pay between October 25th and October 31st, 2000.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No, due to training, vacation, or seasonal holidays
[] 3 No, other reasons
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Part One. Personal Records

The following questions reflect economic characteristics of the population.

R17 through R24 apply to persons who are 15 years or older.

R17. If employed or not one week before the census (i.e. Oct 25 - 31, 2000)
Being employed means having conducted more than one hour of paid work.
Paid work includes activities that come with salary, profit, or family-based income, both in monetary and material forms. Payment can be both received or pending (e.g. will actualize by the next pay period).
This question has three standard answers.

1. Yes. It includes being employed for permanent, temporary, or part-time jobs.
2. No, due to training, vacation, or seasonal holidays. It also includes persons who are on sick leave, maternity leave, etc., who leave for full-time study, who cannot work due to weather or mechanical reasons, or who work on seasonal or rotational basis. People who choose this do not have to answer R18.
3. Not employed for other reasons. This category also includes those who have certain source of income but are not employed, e.g., those who receive money from investment, renting, patent royalty, or pensions. People who choose this do not have to answer R18 - 20.

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_LIVEHOOD — Main source of livelihood
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8. What is your main source of livelihood?
[] Economic activity
[] Unemployment benefits or relief
[] Own pension etc.
[] Support by parents, husband, etc.
[] Own property, letting, interest, farm annuity
[] Social assistance and other benefits

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_INCSRC — Source of income
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6. What type of income do you draw?
Persons that draw several types of income, state all

[] Income from employment
[] Apprentice's wages
[] Scholarship
[] Pension/retirement
[] Social welfare support
[] Half-orphan/orphan's social benefit

Which other types? ________

[] Without own income

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6. What types of income do you have? (Persons with several types of income mark several):
[] Income from employment
[] Apprenticeship pay
[] Scholarship
[] Pension
[] Social assistance
[] Half or full orphan pension
[] Other types _____
[] Without own income

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_INCTYPE — Type of income
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7. What type of income do you draw? (Please mark all applicable types)
[] 1 Income from employment
[] 2 Apprentice's wages/scholarship
[] 3 Pension/retirement
[] 4 Disability pension/social benefit
[] 5 Other types of social benefit
[] 6 No individual income

Which other types? ____

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Question 7: Which types of income do you draw?
Persons that draw maternal benefits, orphan social benefits, social welfare benefits, etc. indicate this under "which other types."

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_LIVEHOOD — Main source of living
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Question 8: Your main source of livelihood
The source of subsistence which provides the largest part of livelihood must be marked solely by direct recipients or persons entitled, but not by family members. If applicable, they should mark, "support, maintenance by parents, husband/wife, etc." Scholarships should be marked as "other benefits" (e.g., social assistance, Federal Law on the Promotion of Education/Training); the same applies to the maintenance grants provided under the work promotion law for retraining and further education as well as for employment and occupation for the promotion of handicapped persons.

For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

8. Your main source of livelihood?

[] 1 Economic/occupational activity
[] 2 Unemployment benefits or relief
[] 3 Pension, etc.
[] 4 Own property, letting leasing, provision for aged persons
[] 5 Support, maintenance by parents, husband/wife, etc.
[] 6 Other benefits (e.g., social assistance)

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_INCSRC — Sources of income
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20. Main source of livelihood

Choose only one answer.

[] 1 Employment
[] 2 Property and other investments
[] 3 Pension
[] 4 Other transfers (example: allowances, scholarships etc.)
[] 5 Loans or reduction of savings, Realization of capital
[] 6 Dependent of other person(s)
[] 7 Other source(s) (state) ____
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Question 20 "Main source of livelihood"
As main source of livelihood is considered the source of income that ensures the satisfaction of the individual's every need. Record only a single answer. For individuals having more than one sources of livelihood the main source is to be recorded.
[p. 28]

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_INCSRC — Sources of income
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14. Sources of income
[] 1 Income from employment
[] 2 Scholarship (stipend)
[] 3 Pension
[] 4 Subsidy
[] 5 Other type of state support
[] 6 Savings
[] 7 Income from property
[] 8 On dependence
[] 9 Other sources

From above listed, specify the main source of income _

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Question 14. Sources of livelihood

Before asking this question, the enumerator is to show to the person interviewed a card with all sources of livelihood listed. After the list has been studied, the person is to name one or several sources of livelihood out of those listed. Based on the answer the codes corresponding to one or several prompts proposed on the enumeration form are to be encircled.
Then the enumerator is to ask the question about the main source and the person interviewed is to specify the main source of livelihood out of all listed.
If the person questioned names several sources of livelihood, it should be cleared up, which of the sources named he/she considers the main one, and the code of this source is to be entered in a special box.
If the person questioned names only one source of livelihood, the code of this source is to be recorded in a special box as a main source.
Any of sources of livelihood listed in question 14 may be named as the main one, if:
- the wage or income gained is higher than from other sources;
- the income is constant;
- under all equal conditions, preference is to be given to the source with largest number of days worked.

Code 1 "income from employment" is to be encircled for persons who at the census moment:
- performed wage work, whether it was permanent, temporary, seasonal, casual or other paid work, as well as worked for profit as self-employed, alone or with one or a few partners, both engaging or not engaging employees, irrespective of the dates of receiving payment or profit for their work;
- worked without payment in their family business or on their family farm;
- were temporarily absent from work for various reasons, but kept formal attachment to their work. The reasons include:
- illness or injury, care of sick persons;
- annual leave or weekend, compensatory leave or time-off, compensation of overtime or work on public holidays;
- statutory maternity and child-care leave;
- educational leave;
- unpaid or paid leave on the initiative of administration;
- rotational, seasonal or other specialized mode of operation;
- strike action;
- other reasons.

Besides, the category of persons with employment includes people engaged in spring, summer or autumn to perform seasonal work (e.g., in agriculture, water transport, fishery, etc.).
Students and pensioners having employment or gainful business are to be referred to those employed or self-employed on the same ground as other categories of persons.
The activity of persons engaged in non-reimbursable public or voluntary works is not to be marked as a source of livelihood.

Code 2 "scholarship" is to be encircled for students receiving scholarships paid by the government and those paid by enterprises, organizations, or employment services sending students for training.
Code 3 "pension" is to be encircled for persons receiving old age or retirement pensions, disability pensions, and survivor's pensions.
However the pension is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it.
Code 4 "benefit" is to be encircled for persons receiving:
General monthly low-income family/citizens benefit, which is assigned to:
- children, pupils of general education schools and basic vocational schools, students of secondary and higher education establishments under 21 years of age (other than those receiving instructions by correspondence, attending evening classes or taking classes under contract);
- disabled persons.

Monthly social benefit assigned to:
- handicapped children, children having infantile cerebral paralysis, children HIV-positive or sick with AIDS;
- handicapped persons from birth;
- disabled, the aged, mother-heroines, children in the case of loss of breadwinner if these categories of citizens are not entitled to pension;

Besides, Code 4 "benefit" is to be marked for persons registered with the employment services as unemployed and who are recipients of unemployment benefits.
It should be noted that "benefit" is to be marked for persons whom it is granted, but not for those who actually receive it.

Code 5 "other government support" is to be encircled for inmates of infant's houses, children's homes, boarding schools, boarding houses for the aged and invalids, and similar persons supported by governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Code 6 "savings" is to be encircled for persons living on material and money resources saved.
Code 7 "property income" is to be encircled for persons gaining income in the form of interest on their money deposits, credits, loans, equities, shares, other securities or any other property or property rights, copyrights to intellectual property, and for persons gaining income in the form of rent for housing, storage and other space, cars, instruments of labour, and land.
Code 8 "dependent" is to be encircled for persons living at the expense of relatives or other people, as well as for persons receiving alimony.
Code 9 "other source" is to be encircled for persons having other sources of livelihood than those listed above. For example, income of clergymen, casual earnings, charity, humanitarian aid, support of religious organizations, etc.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_INCPERS — Main source of maintenance of a person
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30. What is your main source of maintenance?
(It concerns the first position in your incomes)

Incomes from paid-employment
[] 1 In public non-agriculture sector (state and communal establishment)
[] 2 In private non-agriculture sector (including producer's co-operative)
[] 3 In public agriculture sector (state and communal establishment)
[] 4 In private agriculture sector (including producers' co-operative)
Incomes from self-employment (own-account work)
[] 5 Outside agriculture
[] 6 In own private farm (or plot of land)
[] 7 In agriculture outside own private farm (or plot of land)
Non-earned source
[] 8 Retirement pay (employee, derivative and combatant)
[] 9 Retirement pay of farmers
[] 10 Pension resulting from an inability to work
[] 11 Social pension
[] 12 Family pension
[] 13 Unemployment benefit
[] 14 Welfare allowance
[] 15 Others (specify): ____
Other incomes
[] 16 Incomes from owning
[] 17 Incomes from leasing
Maintained by other persons
[] 18 From this household
[] 19 From other household
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1. All the sources of income generated during the 12 months precedent the research should be listed.

2. When indicating the source of income the question of the amount of income concerning every single source should not be asked.

3. A person at the age of 15 or more can have his/her own source of income; children aged 0-14 are maintained by the parents.

4.Income from paid employment should be indicated even if a person is currently unemployed but used to receive the income from that source within the last 12 months.

5. Special rules apply to the following persons:
Persons serving in the army on compulsory basis -- the source of income before the staring the compulsory service should be indicated,

Belong to the monastery, live in the orphanages, community homes etc. (refer to p. 5 question 30),

Are imprisoned or arrested if the isolation lasts shorter than 1 year -- the source of income before arresting should be indicated; in case of isolation longer than 1 year please refer to p. 5 question 30

Are abroad -- the sources of maintenance abroad or the source of income before the departure should be indicated.

Question 30. What is your main source of maintenance? [p. 45-47]
The main source of maintenance is the source bringing/generating the highest income. If a person has/had only one source of income, the source should be treated as the only and main source of income.

3. Incomes from paid employment
Answer 1. in public non-agriculture sector -- should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from paid employment in non-agricultural state or community establishments.

Answer 2. in private non-agriculture sector - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from paid employment in non-agricultural establishments owned by domestic or international private persons or a group of people, communities, political parties, foundations, etc.

Answer 3. in public agriculture sector - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from paid employment in state or community establishments operating in agriculture, forestry, hunting or fishing. Page 17

Answer 4. in private agriculture sector - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from paid employment in establishments operating in the field of agriculture, forestry, hunting or fishing and owned by private persons, agricultural communities, producers? co-operative etc.
4. Incomes from self-employment
Answer 5. outside agriculture - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from self-employment outside agriculture e.g. running production plants, companies is building or service sector or helping relatives without any payment in such companies Answer 5 should also be indicated in case of freelancers such as: solicitors, medical doctors, artists, writers, vets etc.

Answer 6. in own private farm (or plot of land) - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from work in their own farm involved in agricultural production regardless if they are the owners of the land or not.

In case of income from private farm the total agricultural output should be taken into account regardless if the output is sold or consumed within the household.

Answer 7. in agriculture outside own private farm (or plot of land)-- should be indicated in case of persons serving for agricultural farms (e.g. dealing with fertilizing the land, irrigation, or dealing with artificial fertilization of animals etc.). The answer should also be indicated in case of persons helping in the family household.
5. Non-earned source
Answer 8. retirement pay- should be indicated in case of persons (employees, derivatives and combatants) receiving pensions as the result of previous employment or social security insurance in the county or abroad.

Answer 9. retirement pay of farmers -- should be indicated in case of persons who got the right to pension after giving in a farm (to the state or a legal successor). The retirement pay may be the consequence of previous work or insurance.

Answer 10. pension resulting from an inability to work - should be indicated in case of persons who receive the social insurance benefit, accident benefit etc. The income may be permanent or temporary and are usually based on the decision of a medical doctor, who certifies that a person is not able to work

Answer 11. social pension - should be indicated in case of disabled or handicapped persons who receive the income due to permanent inability to work that occurred before the age of 18 (or 25 if they were in education

Answer 12. family pension - should be indicated in case of persons who receive an income due to the death of a spouse or a parent. The family pension paid to children under 15 should be classified as an income of a person bringing up the child

Answer 13. unemployment benefit - should be indicated in case of unemployed persons receiving benefit after registering in a job agency.

Answer 14. welfare allowance - is a payment granted to persons with no income or if the income is not high enough to satisfy the basic needs

Answer 15. others - should be indicated in case of persons receiving income from any source that is not mentioned above (e.g. alimonies, scholarships etc.). In case of such income the kind of income (according to appendix 2 of the manual) should be specified.
Page 18
6. Other incomes
Answer 16. incomes from owning - should be indicated in case of persons whose income is base on leasing their land, shares in the companies or income from possesses capital (e.g. interests).

Answer 17. incomes from leasing - should be indicated in case of
persons renting their rooms, flats, buildings etc.
7. Maintained by other person
Answer 18. from this household -- should be indicated if a person is maintained by a person being a member of the same household. A symbol of a source of income of a person who is maintaining the respondent (1-17) should be given.

Answer 19. from other household - should be indicated if a person is maintained by a person not being a member of the same household. A symbol of a source of income of a person who is maintaining the respondent (1-17) should be given.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_INC — Main source of income
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5. Module -- Source of maintenance
(Concerns persons aged 15 years or more)
[Questions 1-2 were asked of persons aged 15 years or more.]

1. What is your main source of maintenance?

[] 1. Income from hired work in the public sector
[] 2. Income from hired work in the private sector
[] 3. Income from self-employment outside agriculture
[] 4. Income from self-employment in agriculture
[] 5. Income from renting
[] 6. Income from property
[] 7. Retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)
[] 8. Structural pension
[] 9. Pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids
[] 10. Family pension
[] 11. Social pension
[] 12. Unemployment benefit
[] 13. Pre-retirement benefit or allowance
[] 14. Social assistance benefits
[] 15. Other sources of income not elsewhere specified
[] 16. Dependent
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Module 5 -- Source of maintenance (questions 1-2)

The questions concerns persons aged 15 years or more.
[Questions 1-2 were asked of persons aged 15 years or more.]

The aim of the questions included in this module is to specify the source of maintenance, which has provided earnings used to fulfill needs of members of the household.

1. Information on sources of maintenance should be gathered from consecutive members of the household or from the representative of the household.

2. Sources of maintenance and earnings obtained within the last year (12 months) before the census should be considered.

3. While specifying sources of maintenance of consecutive individuals, the income is not important. The individuals should only be asked to specify the sources of the earnings.
The following groups of sources of maintenance are distinguished:

- Earnings (income) from work performed on one's own, regardless of the type of employment,
- Income from property,
- Income from renting,
- Non-earned sources of income
- Dependency on other members of the household, having their own sources of income.

4. Own sources of maintenance should be indicated for individuals aged 15 and older.

5. Dependency should be indicated for individuals, who obtained no income at all.

6. Dependency can be only indicated as the main source of maintenance. It cannot be considered as the additional source of maintenance.

7. Income from work, being one's source of maintenance should be indicated for individuals earning in such a way, regardless of the fact, it they are performing any job or they are unemployed at the moment, but obtained income from a seasonal or part-time job.

8. Non-earned source of maintenance should be indicated for individuals, the main source of maintenance of whom is: pension, social pension, unemployment benefit, pre-retirement benefit or allowance, family pension, etc.

Question 1. What is your main source of maintenance?

Please specify the source of income, which has been the main source of maintenance for all members of the household aged 15 and older.

The main source of maintenance is the source connected with the highest earnings. If a person has had only one source of maintenance during the year before the census performance -- it should be considered as the main and the only source of maintenance.

In the case of having more than one source of maintenance, it should be specified, which one is the most important one (the main source of maintenance), and which one is the additional source of maintenance (connected with lower earnings).

Sources of maintenance connected with hired works (in public and private sector) concern:
- Individuals employed on the basis of employment contracts (contract of service, mandate, contract of specified work, designation, election or appointment) in state institutions, social institutions, offices governed by political parties or trade unions, in private companies, in agricultural holdings, as well as persons working for individuals.
- Individuals performing outworks,
- Students (and individuals doing work experience), who are working on the basis of the vocational training agreement between them and companies or other individuals,
- Individuals obtaining incomes without being formally employed,
- Individuals performing works strictly connected with priesthood (priests, parsons)
- Individuals employed in an agricultural holding or any other economic activity operated by the family and being members of the household (the household of the farm user or the owner of the economic activity), who receive payment for their services (even if the payment is not undertaken in the cash settlement form), should be considered as individuals obtaining earnings by performing hired works in the private sector rather than being contributing family workers.
Answer "1. income from hired work in the public sector" -- should be indicated for all individuals income for performing hired works in institutions and companies being owned by the state (the State Treasury or state authorities) or by local authorities. The same answer should be indicated for works performed for institutions or companies being owned by few parties, with prevailing ownership of the State Treasury, legal persons or local authorities.

Answer "2. income from hired work in the private sector" -- should be indicated for individuals obtaining income for hired works performed in companies owned by the state, foreign entrepreneurs, being owned by few parties or by individuals (as in the case of work in factories, companies, on individuals farms owned by companies, foreign companies, collectives, political parties, foundations or religious institutions).

Answer "3. income from self-employment outside agriculture" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining incomes from working on their own account by operating an economic activity (both registered and not registered) that is -- owning industrial, construction-oriented, commercial factories (enterprises), hotels, nursing houses, various servicing points, schools, theaters, kindergartens, nurseries, etc., as well as for individuals performing liberal professions, for example: doctors, vets, lawyers, artists, writers, as well as for individuals, who have been required to register their economic activities. Agents working in all types of agencies should be included as well. Own-account workers are also contributing family workers, who support their family in operating an economic activity outside agriculture without obtaining any set payment.

Answer "4. income from self-employment in agriculture" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining incomes for working on their own farm (agricultural holding), the work of whom is connected with animal or plant-related production that is -- for all farm users (regardless if they are owners, leasers or own the holding on the basis of different agreements) and animal breeders. Moreover, individuals obtaining incomes for providing services, which are strictly connected to agriculture, such as fertilization of fields, spurting, servicing and management of irrigation systems, artificial insemination of animals, forestry and hunting-related services should also have the "4" answer indicated. All contributing family workers supporting the farm user without receiving set payment fall into this category as well. The answer should be also indicated for all members of agricultural collectives, agricultural associations and members of civil partnerships operating in agriculture.

Answer "5. income from renting" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining income for renting flats, rooms, inhabitable buildings, as well as uninhabitable buildings like garages.

Answer "6. income from property" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining incomes for leasing arable lands, capital investments (shares and debentures trade, profits from owned capital, etc.), as well as obtaining profits from their savings and earnings of companies (dividends).

Answer "7. retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)" -- should be indicated for individuals obtaining income, which is strictly connected with all types of retirement payments provided in consideration for being insured, working in the county or abroad.

Answer "8. structural pension" -- should be indicated for all individuals, who have handed over their agricultural holding and stopped performing any agriculture-related works. The structural pension is paid up to the age of 65.

Answer "9. pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids" -- should be indicated for all individuals receiving pensions (permanent or temporary), which are granted on the basis of statements issued by the medical referees (a proper adjudicating body) concerning inability to work. The answer should be also indicated for individuals receiving rehabilitation pensions, training pensions, as well as accident benefits.

Answer "10. family pension" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining pensions due to death of their partner, parent, other related individuals, as well as receiving foreign family pensions. The pension granted for children below 15 should be considered as source of maintenance of their parents.

Answer "11. social pension" -- should be indicated for individuals obtaining pensions due to their complete inability to work, because of their disability, which occurred before the age of 18 or 25, during studying in a secondary or tertiary school.

Answer "12. unemployment benefit" -- should be indicated for individuals receiving unemployment benefits and registered in local Offices of Employment as unemployed temporarily.

Answer "13. pre-retirement benefit or allowance" -- should be indicated for all individuals obtaining the aforementioned benefit or pension; only individuals meeting the following requirements can obtain them: loosing work due to workplace-related issues, age, professional experience or registration in the Office of Employment. The benefit or allowance is obtained for a set period of time that is -- until being allowed to receive pension.

Answer "14. social assistance benefits" -- should be indicated for individuals obtaining social benefits due to their low incomes, bad health condition, age or difficult personal situation, making it impossible for them to live on without support.

Answer "15. other sources of income not elsewhere specified" -- should be indicated for individuals, who obtain incomes from different sources than those specified in points 1-14, such as alimony for individual persons, scholarships or grants for sport-related achievements.

Answer "16. dependent" -- should be indicated for all individuals being supported by other persons having their own source of income.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_INCSRC — Source of livelihood
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

17. Source of livelihood

Indicate main source of livelihood:

[] 1 Work
[] 2 Temporary benefits - Unemployment
[] 3 Temporary benefits - Sickness, accident, etc.
[] 4 Temporary benefits - Others Sickness, accident, etc.
[] 5 Household support
[] 6 Pensions of any kind (reform, pension, handicap, social, etc.) [-- go to question 18]
[] 7 Social support
[] 8 Property or entrepreneurial income
[] 9 Other situation

Question 17 - Source of livelihood

Important: since you can only mark one answer, you will have to choose, among the "Source of livelihood" options, the one that mostly contributes to satisfy your living necessities.

  • Work: includes persons who mainly live from their work, whether she gets paid or not. People in the compulsory military service should mark this option.
  • Household support: includes persons supported by their family (homemaker who only works at home, students, children, etc.)
  • Pensions of any kind: includes persons who receive a pension, as long as the amount received exceeds that of any other source of livelihood they could have.
  • Social support: includes persons whose main means of survival is assistance provided within a institution or not, by the State, by private non-profit organizations, or by individuals.
  • Property income: includes persons whose subsistence is mainly financed by rent collected from property, interests, profits, dividends, royalties, etc.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 17 - Source of livelihood

With this question, we intend to know the origin of the income that people earn to satisfy their needs regarding food, clothes, shoes, etc.
If the person has various sources, chose only one (the main one).

Work - includes people who mainly live from their work, whether they are paid or not. The person doing the compulsory Military service answers with option.

Temporary benefits - Unemployment - include individuals who are unemployed and therefore, receive a monetary benefit. If they are unemployed but do not have an unemployment benefit, they must choose another option.

Temporary benefits - Sickness, accident, etc. - A benefit to persons who are temporarily incapable of working due to working accident or professional illness.

Temporary benefits - Others - due to accidents, diseases, maternity leave, etc. - These are benefits received due to other reasons different from the above.

Household support - individuals who live supported by other members of their family (i.e. house chores, students, elderly without any pension, etc.).

Important: The individuals who work without receiving payment on a family economic activity can chose the option "household support" and not "work" as their answer if they agree that their work is not sufficient to cover for all expenses that the family incurs to support them. This is a situation we may encounter in the rural area.

Pensions of any kind - All persons who receive a pension, and as long as this is not higher than any other income he may have.
Important: Who answer this question with this option must also answer the next question

Social support - All individuals who receive support from the State, Public Organizations or from other non-profit organizations.

Property or entrepreneurial income - when the subsistence of an individual is granted by rents from proprieties, bank interests, patents, etc.

Other cases - If you encounter a case that does not fit in any of the other case, please chose this answer (for example: scholarship grants).

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_INCSRC — Source of livelihood
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

18. Source of livelihood:

[] 1 Work

Temporary benefits:

[] 2 Unemployment
[] 3 Sickness, accident, etc.
[] 4 Others

[] 5 Pensions
[] 6 Social support
[] 7 Household support
[] 8 Property or entrepreneurial income
[] 9 Other cases

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Question 18: Source of livelihood

For main source of livelihood we understand the main source of income for the last 12 months.

If the enumerated has various sources of income choose only one (the main one).

Work: includes people who live mainly from their work, being paid or not. Persons in the compulsory military service, should choose this answer.

Temporary benefits:

Sickness, accident, etc.
Others -- due to accidents, hilliness, maternity leave, etc.

Pensions -- All persons who receive a pension, and as long as this is not higher than any other income.

Social support -- All individuals who receive support from the State, Public Organizations or from other institutions without profit purposes.

Household support -- individuals who live supported by the rest of the family (i.e. students, elderly without any pension, etc.)

Attention: Individuals who work without receiving payment on a family economic activity can choose the option "Household support" and not "Work" if they agree that their work is not sufficient to cover for all expenses that the family has with them. This is a situation we may encounter in rural areas.

Property or entrepreneurial income -- when the subsistence of an individual is granted by rents from proprieties, bank interests, copyrights, etc.

Other cases -- If you encounter a case that does not fit in any of the other modalities please choose this answer (for example: scholarship grants).

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_INCSRC — Source of livelihood
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

17. What is your main source of livelihood?

[] 11 Work
[] 12 Temporary benefits: Sickness, accident, etc.
[] 13 Temporary benefits: Unemployment
[] 14 Temporary benefits: Other
[] 15 Guaranteed minimal income
[] 16 Pensions
[] 17 Property or entrepreneurial income
[] 18 Social support
[] 19 Household support
[] 20 Other cases

Question 17 - What is your main source of livelihood?

Main source of livelihood means the principal source of income, which has provided the individual with the means necessary for his or her subsistence over the past 12 months (food, accommodation, clothing, footwear, etc.).
If you have various sources of income, indicate only the principal source.

Work - Indicate this response if you live mainly from your work, whether gainful or not (such as when you work for a relative, without pay, but who supports you) or you are performing compulsory military service.

Temporary benefit in respect of an accident at work or occupational illness - If you are temporarily prevented from working and receive benefits as a result of an accident at work or occupational illness.

Temporary unemployment benefits - Tick this response if you are unemployed and live mainly from your unemployment benefit. If you are unemployed but do not receive an unemployment benefit, indicate the response which best applies to your case.

Other temporary benefits - These are benefits granted as a result of accident, illness, birth, etc. and which are not covered by the benefits indicated above.

Guaranteed Minimum Income - A monthly benefit from the noncontributory Social Security scheme designed to provide persons entitled and members of their household, in cases of severe economic hardship, with the resources they need to satisfy their basic requirements.

Pension (Retirement) - Tick this box if you live mainly from a retirement or old-age pension, military reserve pension, invalidity pension, life annuity resulting from an accident at work or occupational illness, social pension, etc..

Property or entrepreneurial income - If your principal source of income is from property, interest, profits, dividends, royalties, etc., tick this response.

Social support - If your principal source of subsistence is from aid provided by the State, Public Bodies, Private Non-Profit Institutions, etc., tick this box.

Supported by household - Tick this box if you live supported by your household (for example: housewife who only works at home, minor children or children who do not work, regardless of whether they study, elderly persons who do not receive a pension and do not have another source of income, etc.).

Other cases - If your case is not included in the cases already described, tick this box (for example, study grants).

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Question 17 - What is your main source of livelihood?

For main source of livelihood we understand the main source from where the individual extracted the subsistence for the last 12 months.

If he has various sources chose only one (the main one).

Work - includes people that live from their work, being paid or not.

Temporary benefits:

Sickness, accident, etc.
Others - due to accidents, hilliness, maternity leave, etc.

[p. 94]

Guaranteed minimal income - Monthly payment from social security to face minimum necessities of these persons and their families.


Property or entrepreneurial income

Social support - All individuals that receive support from the State, Public Organizations or from other institutions without profit purposes.

Household support - individuals that live supported by the rest of the elements of the family (i.e. students, elderly without any pension, etc.)

Other cases - If you encounter a case that doesn't fit in any of the other modalities please chose this answer (for example: scholarship grants)

Note: The individuals that work without receiving payment on a familiar economical activity can chose the option "Household support" and not "Work" as their answer if they agree that their work is not sufficient to cover for all expenses that the family has with them. This is a situation we may encounter on the rural area.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_INCSRC — Main source of livelihood
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Individual questionnaire

23. In the last 12 months, what was your main source of income?

[] 01 Work
[] 02 Retirement / Pension
[] 03 Unemployment benefit
[] 04 Benefit in respect of an accident at work or occupational disease
[] 05 Social integration income
[] 06 Other temporary benefits (illness, maternity leave, ...)
[] 07 Property or entrepreneurial income
[] 08 Social support
[] 09 Support by household
[] 10 Other cases
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 23- In the last 12 months, what was your main source of income?
[There is an image of page 23]
If the person has more than one source of income, you must indicate only one taking into consideration the main source of income.
[p. 133]
Work- This comprises all people who live primarily from a job whether it is remunerated or not.
The people that work with non-remuneration for a family member, must select this option as long as they consider the work sufficient to cover the family costs (a worker that works for a family-member with no salary but is supported by the family).
A non-remunerated job for a family member is considered a job of at least 15 hours during the week in reference which contributes directly to a business, farm, or office that earn profit and is owned by a family member.
Retirement/Pension- All the people who live mainly from a pension or retirement due to aging, savings, disabilities, due to an accident on the job, social pension, etc...
Unemployment benefit- This includes all people who are unemployed and live mainly from unemployment benefits, in other words, subsidies from the government such as total or partial unemployment benefits, among others.
If the person is an employee, but does not receive any type of unemployment benefit, you must record the answer according to the main source of income.
Benefit in respect of an accident at work or occupational disease - This includes all individuals who are unable to work and receive benefits due to an accident at work or an occupational disease.
Social integration income - This integrated income belongs to the system of solidarity (non-contributable) as part of the integration program in which a benefit is attributed to someone in need due to some economic or social need and can work thereby assisting with any integration in a professional, social or work environment.
Other temporary benefits - This includes temporary benefits due to accidents, illness, maternity leave, etc.; and are not included in any of the previously mentioned benefits.
Property or entrepreneurial income- Includes individuals whose principal income consists of rent from property, interest, profit, dividends, ownership rights, etc.
Social support - Includes people whose principal mean of subsistence is provided by the State, Public Organizations or Private Institutions of Social Welfare, by means of social programs or other, or rather, individuals whose main mode of survival is from public assistance, that may or may not come in form of shelter;
Supported by household- includes people who live with the support of their own family.
Housewife who only works on household chores and does not have any other type of income, younger children or those that do not work and that have no other source of income (whether they are students or not), etc?
Other- Only classify here people who are not included in any of the previous situations, for example, those who live off of gifts, scholarships, etc.
You must keep in mind that the Scholarships of Social Action, are not considered as payment for work, in this case the beneficiaries must choose the option "Other", however, a Research Scholarship given by a private or public entity who subsidizes research of scientific, technological or specific nature must be considered as remunerated work.

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_INCSRC — Source of livelihood
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13. Sources of living

[] 1 Work for enterprise, organization, institution, farm
[] 2 Work for private persons
[] 3 Self-employed (own enterprise)
[] 4 Work performed on the individual basis
[] 5 Work at own agriculture farm
[] 6 Work without payment at family enterprise
[] 7 Work at private subsidiary agriculture
[] 8 Income from property
[] 9 Pension
[] 10 Scholarship
[] 11 Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances)
[] 12 Unemployment allowances
[] 13 Other government social security
[] 14 Dependent
[] 15 Other source
No of the main source of living ____
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Question 13 - Your sources of living
Before you ask questions, you must give the respondent a card with a list of sources of living.


After reviewing the card respondent indicates one or more sources of living among the listed. Based on the received response in the census questionnaire you should make marks that correspond to one or more of the mentioned variants of responses.

In specially outlined box you should write down the number of source of living, which the respondent considers to be the main. Thus the main source of living should be considered the source, income from which is the largest part of the total respondent's income.

Working in enterprise, organization, institution, agriculture (farmer) sector is marked to persons who have entered into a written employment agreement, contract or verbal arrangement with the administration of enterprise, organization, institution or with individual about the conditions of work as well as payment and are employed in enterprises, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, such as in state or municipal enterprise, agriculture (farmer) sector, joint stock company, private or joint enterprise, public or religious organization, founds, production cooperative, etc.

This source as a means of living is also marked to persons occupied an elective position;
pensioners and students who have a permanent job; those who study at training and skills development courses; persons who worked at seasonal jobs in spring, summer or autumn (such as at peat field, timber rafting (floating), water transport, fisheries), although at the time of population Census do not work; family members who work in family business for a fee on a common basis; women who were on leave to care for a child until she/he (a child) reaches the age of three or six years; persons who were on leave without retention or partial retention of wages initiated by the administration of enterprise, organization, institution; persons who do not work for three weeks or less due to job changing; persons who performed or are performing paid community work obtained through the employment service.

Working for individuals is marked to those who are employed by individuals (personal secretaries, domestic workers, nurses, drivers, guards, etc.).

Running a business of own is marked to persons who are engaged in own business as individual owners of the company or as members of the owners group of the company in order to earn income or family income in cash or in kind.


Collective owners include members of producers' cooperatives (except employed by cooperatives), members of associations and other collective enterprises. Those who are working in his/her own enterprise can carry out its own production activities both involving the employees or not.

Working on an individual basis is marked to persons who are self-employed and are not in the staff of an enterprise, institution or organization (self-employment: dentist, hairdresser, photographer, etc.); to persons who are engaged in business activities, including the production or craft (e.g., individual activities in trade, individual repair of apartments, tailoring, etc.), as well as to persons with liberal profession engaged in creative activity that brings income and are not in the staff of an enterprise, organization and institution (writers, composers, etc.).
Working at own agriculture (farming) enterprise" is marked to persons who are engaged in their own agriculture (farming) enterprise, registered according to established procedure, that uses its own or leased land and property, produces agricultural products and provides its processing and marketing. Thus the owner of such enterprise can be either an individual or household in whole or its part.

Working at the family enterprise without payment is marked to persons who do any unpaid work at the private or family enterprise, agricultural enterprise owned by one of the members of the household of that person.

Working at private plot is marked to persons who are engaged in private farm activities related to the production of agricultural products or caring for livestock, regardless the products will be used for selling (exchanging) or personal consumption .

Income from property is marked to persons who receive income from their own enterprise (at that, the owner does not work at the enterprise); persons who receive income in the form of rent for leased land, homes, cottages, garages and other property owned by the person; persons who receive income in the form of interest on deposits, credit, bank loan; shareholders who receive income in the form of dividends from the joint-stock company, currency difference for the sold shares and, etc.

Pension is marked to persons who receive old-age pension, disability pension, long service pension, survivor pension, social pension. The "pension" is marked to persons whom it is granted to, but not to those who receive it (for example, "survivor pension" that is granted for children is marked to children, but not to the mother or father, even if they receive this pension).


Scholarship is marked to persons who study and receive a scholarship (including scholars to whom a scholarship is paid by enterprises, organizations or employment service that sent them to training).

Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances) is marked to persons who receive the state social allowances. However, it is marked to those to whom this assistance is granted but not to those who receive it.

For example, for mothers or persons replacing them you should mark allowance due to pregnancy and childbirth; child care allowances until the age of three; payments to mothers (parents) who take care of three or more children under 16 years; allowance for a disabled child care; allowance for children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years); allowance to single mothers; allowance for military servant's children; allowance for children under guardianship.

Unemployment allowances is marked to capable persons of working age who are registered at the state employment service as unemployed and receive unemployment allowances or financial aid on unemployment.

Other governmental social security is marked to orphans and pupils of boarding schools; to persons who live in nursing homes for elderly and disabled, etc.; to persons who are at government or social organization maintenance.

Dependant is marked to persons who are engaged in cooking in household, caring for children or other relatives, etc., and to persons who live off relatives or others' money.

Dependant is also marked to persons for whom alimony are paid. For example, if alimony is paid for minor children, even if it is received by their mother (father), "dependant" is marked to children but not to mother (father).

Other source is marked to persons whose source of living is a source that is not included in the mentioned above (e.g., savings) and also to ministers of religion (priests, rabbis, etc.)

Those who do not work 22 days or more due to job changing, source of their living is marked (such as "Dependant", "Other source", etc.).