Questionnaire Text

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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

26. Place of employment (factory, business, institution or employee): ____

Examples: "Kor Oz" factory, Falafel stand "Hashalom", Municipality of Holon, seamstress working at home.

27. Employment address
____ Town
____ Street/Neighborhood (or nearby landmark)
____ House number

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19. Question 26

26. Name of the workplace (factory, business, institution or employer) ____

Examples: "Kor-Oz" Factory, "Hashalom" Falafel-Stand, Municipality of Hollon, seamstress working at home.

A. Write in detail the name of the institution, factory, business or employer.

1. (Wrong) Government office, (Right) Industry and Trade Ministry
2. (Wrong) Histadrut [trade union] , (Right) Tax bureau of the General Histadrut
4. (Wrong) A lawyer's office, (Right) Aaharonny Advocates' office
5. (Wrong) Factory, (Right) 'Angel' Factory
6. (Wrong) Local Municipality, (Right) HaEmek Local Municipality
7. (Wrong) Investment Company, (Right) HaHashkaa Investment Company

B. If the person is self-employed and the name of the workplace is his name - write the occupation in addition to the name.

1. Moshe is an owner of a grocery store -- write "Grocery Store'.
2. Sarah is a private piano teacher -- write 'Piano Teacher'.
3. A person working in the IDF or in the Ministry of Defense -- should write "IDF" or "Ministry of Defense" with no further details.

C. Those who work in other companies belonging to the defense system like The Military Industry or The Armament Development Authority, will write the name of the company in full.

D. A worker in a Kibbutz or Moshav [agricultural village], will write the name of the Kibbutz or the Moshav and the industry or factory he works in.

1. Kibbutz Nofim, kindergarten.
2. Tzur Company in Kibbutz Tzurim.
3. Chicken Farm in Moshav Dluiim.

[p. 58]

20. Question 27

27. Address of the workplace
____ Locality
____ Street/Neighborhood (or a recognized place)
____ House number

Write the exact address of the workplace: Name of locality, street name and house number.
Be strict about writing the locality name of the workplace even if it is the same as the locality the person lives in.

20.1 Unknown address

If the exact address is unknown, write a general location, proximity to a known place etc.

1. The Ben-Gurion Government Campus.
2. Next to Jaffa Port.

20.2 Main address

If there is a main address that a person arrives to and from which he goes to different locations, write the main address.

A. A bread distributor will write the bakery's address from which he starts his route.
B. An 'Egged' bus driver will write the address of the parking area in which the bus he drives parks.

20.3 There is no fixed address

A. If there is no fixed address and the work is done in a fixed locality or area, write the name of the locality or the name of the area and write.

Example: Piano tuner who works in Haifa will write -- Haifa, there is no fixed address.

B. If the work is not done in a fixed locality or area, but outside a locality -- write "There is no fixed address".

Example: A person who paves roads in different locations in the country will write "There is no fixed address".