Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Questions 14-23]

[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14]

Work five years ago
[Questions 24-26]

24. Did you work in Israel or abroad 5 years ago, i.e. in June 1978?

[] 1 Was in obligatory army service or in professional army: Circle and skip to 27
[] 2 Worked in Israel at the same place of work where works today: Circle and skip to 26
[] 3 Worked in Israel at another place of work: Circle and skip to 25
[] 4 Worked in Israel 5 years ago but does not work today: Circle and go to 25
[] 5 Worked abroad: Circle and skip to 26
[] 6 Did not work: circle and skip to 27

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29. Question 24 -- explanations: Work five years ago

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 24.]

For whoever served in compulsory/regular army service (answer 1) or did not work (answer 5) -- mark the appropriate answer and skip to question 27.

For whoever does not work today, but worked 3 years ago -- mark answer 2 and continue to question 25.

For whoever worked in the same workplace -- mark answer 4 and skip to question 26.

For whoever worked in a different workplace -- mark answer 2 and continue to question 25.

For whoever worked abroad -- mark answer 5 and skip to question 26.

For whoever did not work five years ago -- mark answer 6 and skip to question 27.