Questionnaire Text

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1. In how many rooms does your family live? ____
Do not include: kitchen, lavatory, bathroom and a room serving only for business purposes. Note also half a room.

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Question 24: Number of rooms in the apartment

Ask how many rooms there are in the whole apartment, and write it down in the questionnaire.

24a. When asking for the number of rooms in the apartment, the intention is not to count only those used by the household, but all the rooms in the apartment; including rooms used for businesses only, or for both businesses and residence.

24b. If there are two or more households in one apartment -- you have to write down the number of rooms in the whole apartment in the questionnaire of each household.

24c. Half a room is counted as a room.

24d. The dining room is counted as a room.

24e. If the family considers the entrance room or the dining room as a room or as a half-room, include them in the count.

24f. A kitchen, a bath tab room, or a shower and a bathroom are not considered as rooms.

24g. When there are more than 9 rooms in the apartment, write down 9.
1. If you are told that there are 3.5 rooms in the apartment, write down 4 rooms.

[p. 48]

2. A family has a 5- room apartment and it rents two rooms to sub-lessees, who eat separately from the family. The apartment owners live in 3 rooms. You have to write down in the questionnaire of the apartment owner and also in the questionnaires of the sub-lessees -- 5 rooms.
3. There are 4 rooms in the apartment. One of the rooms is used as a sewing workshop only, and no one lives in it. Include it in the rooms count and write -- 4 rooms.