Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over
[Question 27: How would you describe your present principal status?]
Question 27 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labor force.
As this question is asking about the person's principal economic status, only one of the boxes should be marked.
The following should mark 'working for payment or profit':
Full-time students who are in part-time employment should mark 'Student or pupil'.
[The original document includes an image below.]
[p. 124]
[Question 28: If you are working go to Q29.
If you are student, go to Q34.
Otherwise, go to Q35.]
Only those persons who are working are required to provide information on their industry and occupation and place of work. Retired persons are asked about their former occupation only in order to assign a social class to their household. Unemployed persons are asked about their occupation and industry in order to produce a detailed profile of the unemployed at small area level. Only persons who travel outside the home to work school or college are asked to provide the name and address of where they go.