Questionnaire Text

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7. Where do you usually live?

[] 1. Here at this address
[] 2. Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in your full address ____
[] 3. Elsewhere abroad, write in the country ____
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 7: Where do you usually live?]

Location (question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also used to determine changes to electoral boundaries.

This box should be marked if the person lives at the address on the front of the Census Form.

Mark this box if the person usually lives somewhere else in Ireland, and write in the full address.

There are 7 spaces at the end of the address for the eircode of the place of usual residence to be written in if known.

Mark this box if the person usually lives outside Ireland, and write in the country.

By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the Census (question 8) and their residence at census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses also provide data on the extent of internal migration within Ireland.