B. Person Form
14. What is your ethnic or cultural background? Choose one section from A to D, and then check the appropriate box.
A White
[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Irish traveler
[] 3 Any other White background
B Black or Black Irish
[] 4 African
[] 5 Any other black background
C Asian or Asian Irish
[] 6 Chinese
[] 7 Any other Asian background
D Other, including mixed background
[] 8 Other, write in description: _____________
14 What is your ethnic or cultural background?
Choose ONE section from A to D, then check the appropriate box.
A. White
[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Irish Traveler
[] 3 Any other White background
B. Black or Black Irish
[] 4 African
[] 5 Any other black background
C. Asian or Asian Irish
[] 6 Chinese
[] 7 Any other Asian background
D. Other, including mixed background
[] 8 Other, write in description _____
Question 14 is a new question introduced in 2006. The question layout was agreed following consultation with the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, the Equality Authority, Pavee Point and relevant Government Departments. The present version of the question was successfully tested in the Census Pilot Survey carried out in April 2004. Coupled with information from other questions on the form, the responses will facilitate a comparison of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the different ethnic and cultural groups living in Ireland.