Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

22 Do you hold any third level qualification(s) which you attained after completing 2 or more years of study?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If "Yes", please indicate the main subject area(s) in which qualification (s) is held.
Check all boxes that apply.

[] 1 Education
[] 2 Art (including fine arts, performing arts, graphic and audio visual arts, design)
[] 3 Humanities (including languages, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, theology)
[] 4 Social sciences/business/law (including economics and journalism)
[] 5 Life sciences/medical laboratory science
[] 6 Physical sciences/chemistry
[] 7 Mathematics/statistics
[] 8 Computing/information technology
[] 9 Engineering/architecture
[] 10 Agriculture/forestry/fishery/veterinary
[] 11 Medicine/dentistry/ nursing/associated medical disciplines/ social services
[] 12 Tourism/hotel and catering/ sports and leisure/transport services/ environmental protection/security services
[] 13 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Do you hold any third level qualification(s) which you attained after completing 2 or more years of study?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If "Yes", please indicate the main subject area(s) in which qualification(s) is held.
Check ALL boxes that apply.

1 [] Education
2 [] Art (including fine arts, performing arts, graphic and audio visual arts, design)
3 [] Humanities (including languages, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, theology)
4 [] Social sciences/business/law (including economics and journalism)
5 [] Life sciences/medical laboratory science
6 [] Physical sciences/chemistry
7 [] Mathematics/statistics
8 [] Computing/information technology
9 [] Engineering/architecture
10 [] Agriculture/forestry/fishery/veterinary
11 [] Medicine/dentistry/ nursing/associated medical disciplines/social services
12 [] Tourism/hotel and catering/sports and leisure/transport services/environmental protection/security services
13 [] Other

Question 22: Regular information on skill levels is necessary to monitor whether the training being offered meets the needs of the labour market. The Government and employers use this data to evaluate whether there are enough people with the required education and training in particular areas of the work force. The information is used in developing new programmes to meet the changing needs of our work force. In previous censuses, only scientific and technological qualifications were recorded. The extension of this question to include all third level qualifications will provide more complete information.

Some guidelines on answering question 22:
  • Persons answering this question should have ticked a third level qualification at question 21: Highest level of education completed to date.
  • This question should only be answered by persons who have attained qualifications after 2 or more years of study at a third level college or university. One year post leaving courses (PLCs) are specifically excluded.
  • Persons who completed degrees where more than one subject area was covered should check only those subject areas taken as part of the final examination for their degree or diploma.
  • Where a person completes a Masters degree in one year this should be taken as a third level qualification attained after completing 2 or more years of study as the years of undergraduate study would count in this case. The subject(s) should be those taken for the Masters degree.