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412. What kind of proof of land ownership of this dwelling unit?
[Question 412 was asked of household who have proof of ownership of the dwelling.]

[] 1 Ownership Certificate (SHM) belonging to HH member
[] 2 Ownership Certificate (SHM) not belonging to HH member
[] 3 Other Certificate (SHGB, SHP, SSRS)
[] 4 Others (Girik, Akte Jual Beli Notaris/PPAT, etc.)

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Question 412: Type of Land Ownership Proof
Ask what type of proof of ownership the household has for the land for this household's dwelling.
Ownership Proof
1. Certificate giving Property Rights (Hak Milik) in the name of a household member is a certificate which is issued by the National Land Board or the Agrarian Office regarding a piece of land to the owner of the land which in this case is a household member.
2. Certificate giving Property Rights (Hak Milik) not in the name of a household member is a certificate which is issued by the National Land Board or the Agrarian Office regarding a piece of land to the owner of the land who is not a member of this household.
3. Other certificate is a document issued by the National Land Board or the Agrarian Office regarding a piece of land to the owner of the land who is a member of this household. This certificate can be in the form of:

a. Certificate giving the right to build on the land (SHGB hak guna bangunan).
b. Certificate giving the right to use the land (SHP hak pakai).
c. Certificate giving ownership of a unit of an apartment building (SHM SRS).

4. Other (Title of land ownership, Purchase/Sale Agreement, etc.) is any other document showing ownership issued by an official who prepares land documents. Title of land ownership (Girik) is a letter confirming land ownership usually called a Letter C which is a copy of that issued by the Head of the Village either for a subdivision of a piece of land or for the entire plot of land. Purchase/Sale Agreement is an agreement issued by a notary regarding the sale and purchase of property, either one that is already in the name of a household member or another person. Included in Others is a certificate conferring the right to use the property for business (SHGU Sertifikat Hak Guna Usaha).

[p. 163]

Some other proof which strengthens the proof to control but not proof of ownership; examples are a letter from an institution not a notary/qualified officer to prepare land documents, letter confirming land control from the local government (formerly known as Ipeda/yellow card), other documents such as a building permit, permit to work on the land (normally from the State Forest Enterprise).

1. A certificate in the name of a family member who has been away more than 6 months (not a household member at the time of the census) is considered a certificate in the name of a household member. For example, a certificate in the name of a relative who works or goes to school elsewhere, but comes home when he/she has leave, is considered a certificate in the name of a household member.
2. If a certificate is in the name of a family member who has formed his own household, then the certificate is not in the name of a household member.

A piece of land is owned jointly (for example by households A and B) with one certificate in the name of A. Each household owns a building on the land according to the way it was divided. In this case, each household owns its dwelling (Q410 = 1), but only household A (whose name is on the certificate and holds it) has a certificate of proof of ownership in the name of a household member (Q411 = 1; Q412 = 1). Household B is not considered to have proof of ownership (Q411 = 2).
[p. 164]
If in the above case, A and B both have obtained a document prepared by notaries (probably a purchase/sell agreement or a bequest), however, a certificate in the name of each of them has not yet been issued, then A has proof of ownership in the name of a household member, however, B has a Purchase/Sell Agreememt (Q411 = 1; Q412 = 4). [In the original document, the code for Q412 was incorrectly given as 3]