619. What is your highest level of education attainment?
[] 2 Primary school
[] 3 Junior high school
[] 4 Senior high school
[] 5 Vocational senior high school
[] 6 Diploma I/II
[] 7 Diploma III/bachelor
[] 8 Diploma IV/undergraduate
[] 9 Postgraduate
Question 619: Highest diploma/completion certificate earned
Use codes 1 through 9 for highest diploma/completion certificate earned classified as follows:
Elementary school (SD)/MI/or equivalent is the answer for those who have completed basic level education of 5/6/7 years or equivalent (including basic level of special schools for disabled children, schools organized and managed by society, parents, and teachers, package A1-A100 programs, Madrasah ibtidaiyah).
Junior high school (SLTP)/MT/or equivalent/vocational is the answer for those who have completed a junior level education either general or vocational or equivalent (MULO, HBS 3 year, special schools for children with disabilities at junior high school level, Madrasah tsanawiyah, home economics school for girls, economics junior high school, technical junior high school, family welfare junior high school, vocational skill junior high school 4 years, farm management junior high school, agricultural junior high school, teacher's aide
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school, school for Islamic educators, public administration courses, school for religious court staff).
General senior high school (SMU)/MA/or equivalent is the answer for those who have completed an intermediate level general education such as senior high school, Madrasah aliyah, HBS 5 year, AMS, and public administration senior level courses (KPAA).
Vocational high school (SMK) is the answer for those who have completed vocational education at the senior high school level such as social work senior high school, senior high school for craft industry, fine arts senior high school, senior high school of Indonesian dance, senior high school of music, technology for development senior high school, economics senior high school, technical senior high school, agricultural technology senior high school, shipping technology senior high school, mining technology senior high school, graphic arts senior high school, physical education senior high school, teachers for special schools for children with disabilities, high school for Islamic educators 6 years, school for kindergarten teachers, teacher training courses, chemistry analysis high school, school for pharmacists' assistants, school for midwives, school for radiology assistants.
Diploma I/II is the answer for those who have completed a diploma program DI/DII at an institution of higher learning for a formal education. Akta I and II programs are part of the DI/DII level education program.
Diploma III/Sarjana Muda is the answer for those who have completed a three-year diploma program at an institution of higher learning for a formal education. For example Indonesian music academy, Indonesian dance academy, foreign languages academy, interior administration academy, state administration academy, business management academy, chemical analyst academy, meteorology and geophysics academy, health science academy, academy for health Inspection, military academy, etc. For universities that do not have three-year degree programs, students who are attending level 4 or 5 their highest education level completed is senior high school (SMA) or senior vocational school (SMK).
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Diploma IV/S1 is the answer for those who have completed a four-year education program, or D IV at a university or institution of higher learning. The Akta IV Program is equivalent to the Diploma IV level.
S2 and S3 are the answers for those who have completed a post-graduate education program at the master program (Specialist I) or doctoral program (Specialist II) at a university or an institution of higher learning.
Circle the appropriate code for the highest diploma or completion certificate earned in Q 619.