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V. Characteristics of individual household members

[Questions 517-519 were asked of persons age 5 or older who have ever attended school, as per question 516.]

519. Highest level of education completed

[] 1 Did not complete primary school (go to Q521)
[] 2 Primary school (go to Q522)
[] 3 General junior high school (go to Q522)
[] 4 General senior high school (go to Q522)
[] 5 Vocational junior high school
[] 6 Vocational senior high school
[] 7 Diploma I/II
[] 8 Academy/diploma III
[] 9 University/diploma IV

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Question 519: Highest education attained
Never/has not graduated elementary school is a category for those who attended a school but did not/have not yet passed elementary school for 5, 6 or 7 years, basic level of school for handicapped children, Islamic elementary school, Pamong elementary school (a school for children where the teachers are the community parents), small elementary school, Package A1 to A100, pioneer school or an Indonesian elementary school (overseas). Those that graduate from elementary school after three years or equivalent are considered to not have graduated elementary school.

Graduated elementary school is a category for those that have passed elementary school for 5, 6 or 7 years, basic level of school for handicapped children, Pamong elementary school (a school for children where the teachers are the community parents), Package A that receives an equivalent certificate to elementary school, Islamic elementary school, pioneer school or an Indonesian elementary school (overseas).

Graduated secondary school is a category for those that have graduated a general secondary school, for example: secondary school, (MULO = secondary school during the Dutch colonial period), HBS 3 years, secondary level of school for handicapped children, Islamic secondary school, pioneer school or an Indonesian elementary school (overseas) and a secondary school of sports.

Graduated vocational secondary school is a category for those who graduated from a vocational secondary school, example: SKP = home economics girl's school, SMEP = secondary school of economics, ST = technic school, SKKP = home economics secondary school, 4 years of vocational school, school of agriculture, secondary school of agriculture, SGB = school of teacher's assistant, 4 years of religion teacher or PGA, course on administrative officer or KPA and education on religion judicature officer. Also, [this category includes those who graduated from] health workers secondary school, Islamic secondary school or other secondary school education.

Graduated public high school is a category for those who graduated from a public high school, for example: high school, HBS 5 years, AMS (high school during the Dutch colonial period). Also [this category includes those who graduated from] an Islamic high school, preparation of development high school, pioneer high school, Indonesian high school (overseas) and athletics high school.

Graduated from vocational high school is a category for those who passed a vocational high school such as technology of housekeeping high school, social worker high school, school of handicraft Industry, school of arts. Also school of gamelan and singing, school of music, school of development technology, home economics high school, economy high school, high school of technology, high school of agriculture technology, school of shipping technology, school of mining technology,


school of Graphic technology, school of sports teacher, school of teaching the handicapped (SGPLB), school for religion teacher 6 years, school for preschool teachers, course on teaching (KPG), school of chemical analysis, school of pharmacist assistant (SAA), school of midwives, school of radiology worker, school of nutrition, school of sailing, technology of trains, industry of tourism high school, and school for judge and attorney.

Graduated from Diploma I/II program is a category for those who graduated from a DI/DII program from a formal educational institution that give a diploma. Programs of Akta I and Akta II are also included in this level.

Graduated Diploma III/Academy is a category for those who graduated from an Academy/Diploma III, graduated from an Akta III program or attained a Bachelor's degree from a college. For a department that has Bachelor programs, the 4th or 5th program is still considered as graduating from a general/vocational high school.

University/Diploma IV is a category for those that have graduated from the programs of undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral, Diploma IV and V or Specialist I and II from a university/institute/high school. Programs Akta IV and V are equivalent to Diploma IV and V.

Circle the highest education attained in P519. If the answer of P519 is coded 01, continue to P521. If coded "02" to "04", continue to P522. If the answer is one of the codes between "05" to "09", continue to P520.

There is a possibility that a person completed a certain level of education and during the interview was attending a lower level education than what had been achieved. Reconfirm on this matter by asking the question once more. If this situation appears frequently, please elaborate in the Block of notes by writing the name and serial number of the household members.

Surya has graduated from a university and during the interview was attending the 2nd year at an academy/Diploma III. The recording in SUPAS95-S is as follows:
Circle code "07" in P517
Circle code "02" in P518
Circle code "09" in P519