421. Does this household own/has access to:
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
Question 421: Possession of valuables
The answer on the question of possession of valuables is used to determine the social economic status of a household. Ask one by one all the types of goods possessed by the household and circle code 1 if the respondent owns it and code 2 if the respondent does not own it. If the respondent possesses several commodities such as a radio or motorcycle but they do not work, then ask how long it has been damaged and if it is possible to repair. If the commodities can be repaired then it is still considered as possessed.
Alimin's household owns a large sideboard but because the space in his house is small then the sideboard is put in his brother's house. In this case, Alimin's household is considered as not possessing the side board.