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IV. Household information

416. Source of drinking water

[] 1 Piped water (go to Q418)
[] 2 Pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Spring (go to Q418)
[] 5 River (go to Q418)
[] 6 Rainwater (go to Q418)
[] 96 Other, specify ____ (go to Q418)

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Questions 416 and 418: Drinking, bathing/washing water resources
Ask the respondent the main source of drinking water used by the household. Please remember that the question asks about the source. If the household respondent obtains water from a water spring that is distributed to the house, the water source is the water spring. If the respondent uses water that comes from several water resources, select the water resource with the most water volume used by the household.

Tap water is water produced through a purification and sanitation process before being distributed to the consumer through an installation in the form of tap water undertaken by state/private companies. Example: Aqua, Vit, Moya and Aquaria are also categorized as tap water.

Pump water is ground water obtained by using pumps, including that obtained by electric pumps/generator.

Well water is water drawn from the ground. The way of taking the water is by using a water dipper or bucket.

Spring water is a resource of water at the surface of the ground where the water comes out by itself.

River water is a resource of water from a river.

Rainwater is a resource of water from stored rain water.

Other are other water resources not mentioned above such as from a dam, lake, or pond.


Ask the question: "Where do you obtain drinking water and also water for bathing/washing for the daily needs in this household?" Circle the appropriate answer code in P416 and P418. If the source is by purchasing, ask where the source of the water is.

If a household uses a protected well as the source of drinking water, but obtains the water by using a pump (hand pump or electric pump), the source of water of this household depends on if the rim of the well is opened or closed:

  • If the rim of the well is opened, the household is categorized as using a "Water well" source
  • If the rim of the well is closed, the household is categorized as using a "Pump water well" source