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IV. Household information

403. The area of agricultural land

[Question 403 was asked of households that own agricultural land, as per question 402.]

_ _. _ _ha

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Question 403: Area of owned farming land
Write the area in the provided place in hectares (Ha), rounded to two decimal points, and move it into the provided box. If the respondent mentions it in square meters or in local units, convert it into hectares.

Mr. Majid owns a piece of rice field of 0.75 ha and a year ago he bought a field of 0.50 ha. Mr. Majid rented 1.50 ha of Mr. Dedi's land to cultivate fruit. Due to lack of manpower to work in the rice field, Mr. Majid and Mr. Syarif made a deal to share the rice field. From this example, the area of farming land owned by Mr. Majid is: rice field 0.75 ha + field 0.50 ha = 1.25 ha.

In this matter the field rented from Mr. Dedi of 1.50 ha is not recorded as Mr. Majid's farming land. The rice field of 0.75 ha which is shared with Mr. Syarif is still considered as Mr. Majid's farming land.