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This variable indicates the source of drinking water for the household.
- Indonesia 1985: All households
- Indonesia: 1985
Questionnaire Text
[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]
Q.13 Source of drinking water
1 Piped water
2 Pump
3 Well
4 Spring
5 River
6 Rain
7 Other
2 Pump
3 Well
4 Spring
5 River
6 Rain
7 Other
Question 13 and 15: Source of drinking water and water for bathing/washing
The information collected here is the source of the water. If a household gets its water from a spring, but the water is channeled into the house, then the water source is a spring.
- "Piped water" is water from a drinking water company (either private sector or government) including water that is obtained from an electric/diesel pump.
- "Pumped water" is water obtained from the source using a hand pump.
[pg. 49]
- "Well" is the type of water source where the water is obtained by using a bucket or pail.
- "Spring" is water that comes out from the earth by itself.
- "River" is water that comes from a river.
- "Rainwater" is water that is collected into some type of container while it is raining.
- "Other" is any source of water that cannot be categorized into any the sources given above, such as water from a lake/dam.
The way to ask this question is:
"Where do you obtain your water for drinking and water for bathing/washing for the daily needs of this household?"
If the answer to Q.13 is code 2 or 3, continue to Q.14. For all other codes, skip Q.14 and go to Q.15.
Question 14: If pumped water or well is the source of water for the household, ask the distance from the well to the closest sewage disposal.
Fill in the distance in meters in whole numbers. "Distance" is the shortest distance from the water source to the place for the sewage disposal, regardless of whether that sewage disposal place is owned by the household or is the property of others.