Questionnaire Text

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E. Marriage and fertility
Ask of all ever-married women. Ask questions person by person.
[Questions E1-E11]

For currently married women (A5=code 2 or 5) who are 50 years of age or under.
[Questions E12-E19.]

E13. Ever heard of family planning

Now we want to find out about something else. Perhaps you have heard that there are ways a woman can keep from becoming pregnant?

[] Y Yes
[] T No

If "No", stop section E for this person.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E. Information on mother's fertility
Ask these questions to women who have ever been married, that is, currently married, widowed or divorced

This part of the questionnaire contains questions about marriage (how many times married), number of children, and some questions about family planning.

Questions E13 through E19 are questions about family planning and are asked only to women who are currently married and are age 50 or younger

Column (2) Ever heard about birth control
Birth control is a means of preventing or regulating pregnancies. It can refer to either the Government's Family Planning Program or some other program that prevents or regulates pregnancies. A person for example may not have ever heard the words "family planning", but knows a means of preventing or regulating pregnancies, for example, through massages or other traditional practices. The person in the example just given would be considered has having ever heard.


Filling in the form:

Ask the question as follows:
"Now we would like to ask you about a different matter. Have you ever heard about birth control?"

Fill in the code:

If ever heard, with "Y"
If never heard, with "T"

For those who have never heard (code "T"), don't ask any further questions; end the questioning here.

For those who ever heard about birth control, ask the following questions