Questionnaire Text

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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D14-20. Usual activity during the past year

[Questions D16-D19 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked for at least two months during the past year.]

D19. Locus of activity

Was this work a:

[] 1 Household enterprise
[] 2 Non-household enterprise

If D18 = code 1, 2, or 4, end section D for this person.

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Column (9) Household enterprises
Concept and definition
A household enterprise is any activity that satisfies the following criteria:
1. An economic activity that produces goods or services.
2. The activity can be classified as traditional or modern.
3. The result/product from some or all of the activity is sold or exchanged.
4. The place of the activity can be fixed or not and can be inside the household property or outside.
5. Maximum number of permanent workers is 4 (four) people and at least half of these are unpaid family workers.

Example: The wife and children of the head of household serves customers of her husband's food stall/shop.
Farming that is carried out by household members with occasional help from temporary workers.

Filling in the form
Ask the question as follows:
"Is your work mentioned earlier a household enterprise?"

Investigate the respondent's answer to be sure if it can be classified as a household enterprise according to the concept stated above. Pay attention to whether the worker(s) in this activity are paid or unpaid family workers. Those employed in a business that fulfills the definitions stated above are workers in a household enterprise.

Columns (4) through (9) are used for explanations about work. People who worked or ever worked during the past year have column 2 code "1" or column 3 code "Y".

Columns (8) and (9)
The explanation of this concept is the same as that on pages 25 and 26.
To fill in columns (7) and (6) write the answer as completely as possible. If the occupation or field of industry during the past one year is the same as that during the past week, write "Same" in column 6.