Questionnaire Text

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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D14-20. Usual activity during the past year

[Questions D16-D19 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked for at least two months during the past year.]

D18. Status

In this work were you a:

[] 1 Own account worker
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Unpaid family worker

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Column (8) Status
Status is the position a person has in carrying out his job. Status is categorized as follows:

Self-employed without workers: The intention here is those who carry out their work/effort at their own risk without any paid workers or are only assisted by unpaid household members.

Store owner, food stall owner who serves his customers by himself and a household member.
Tradesman who does not have any paid assistant.
People who have agreed to work together, but each one works on his own, and does not have paid workers.
Farmer who farms alone or is helped by his household members.
Barber who works alone.
Solderer who works by himself.
Private teachers, lawyer, doctor who work alone.
Pedicab driver who works alone.
Cab or bus driver who works alone.

Self-employed with workers (employer): This is someone who is assisted by one or more paid workers in carrying out his work.
Owner of a store, food stall, restaurant, etc. who is assisted by one or more paid employees.
Farmers who use one or more paid workers to till the land or maintain the crops.
Owner of a company, factory who has one or more paid employees.

Laborer/employee: This is someone who works for a wage or salary either in cash or in kind.
Public servant, employee of state /private sector enterprises.
Employee of hotel, store, restaurant etc.
Housemaid who is paid.
Farm worker who is paid to help till the fields/help with crops.
Driver who is employed by a company or office to drive a vehicle

Unpaid family worker: This is a household member who helps one of the other household members in conducting his business without being paid.
Children who help serve customers at their parent's kiosk/food stall.
Wife who helps her husband in his store, etc.

Filling in the form:
For those who work, ask their position in their primary job as follows:
"What is your position in your primary job mentioned earlier? Are you self-employed without workers, self-employed with workers (employer), a laborer/employee, or a family worker?"
Fill in the code corresponding to the respondent's answer.

Columns (4) through (9) are used for explanations about work. People who worked or ever worked during the past year have column 2 code "1" or column 3 code "Y".

Columns (8) and (9)
The explanation of this concept is the same as that on pages 25 and 26.
To fill in columns (7) and (6) write the answer as completely as possible. If the occupation or field of industry during the past one year is the same as that during the past week, write "Same" in column 6.