Questionnaire Text

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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D8-D9. Secondary jobs

D9. If you had additional work last week, how many different kinds of additional work did you do?

[Question D9 was asked of persons 10+ who worked at least two jobs during the past week, per question D8.]

Write in total number of jobs: _

If D1 = code 3 go to D11.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Additional work during the past week
Previously it was stated that if a person works at more than one job, then the primary occupation is asked in part A; the other job that is considered a side line or additional work will be asked about here.

Page 08 [of the enumeration form.]

Column (2) Additional work
Those who must be asked here are:
1. Those who usually work (have a primary activity) (D1 code "1")
2. Those who have ever worked (D2 code "Y") who besides having a primary activity also have a side line/additional work.

Filling in the form
The way to ask about additional work is as follows:


D8 "Did you also have additional work in the past week?"

Enter code Y for "Yes" or code T for "No".
"Yes" means the respondent had additional work, so ask the question for column (3).
"No" means the respondent has no additional work so go directly to question D10, column (4), unless question D1 has code "3", then go directly to question D11.

For those who have additional work ask: "How many kinds of additional work did you engage in during the past week?"

Fill in to the number of kinds of additional work.