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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D1. What was your primary activity during the past week?

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Temporarily away from work but with a job
[] 3 Looking for work
[] 4 Housekeeping
[] 5 Attending school
[] 6 Unable to work
[] 7 Other

If code 1, go to D3.

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Activity during the past week
What is intended by activity during the past week is whether the respondent was engaged in any economic activity during the past week.

Page 07 [of the enumeration form.]

Column (2)
The main activity that the respondent engaged in during the past week is the one he was engaged in the most or the longest during the past week.

Concept and definition
A. What is classified as "Working" is:
- Those who were engaged in an activity for the purpose of obtaining or helping obtain income or profit.

B. What is classified as "Temporarily not working" is:
- Those who usually are engaged in an activity but temporarily are not working and not conducting any other activity.
For example:

a. Permanent worker, public/private sector worker who is currently not working because he is on leave, sick, on strike, on leave of absence, company had a temporary stoppage, bad weather etc.
b. Farmers who till the farmland who are not working because of reasons like those in [section] A above and are waiting to continue their work.
c. People who are usually self-employed in a professional field but who are not working because of reasons given in [sections] A and B.
a. A farmer is waiting for the harvest or waiting for the rain to till the rice field.
b. Barber, doctor, puppeteer, etc. who are waiting for work.

C. Those classified as "Looking for work":
1. Those who never worked and are currently looking for work.
2. Those who worked in the past, but because of certain circumstances they have stopped working/been fired and are now looking for work.

3. Those who been released from their current assignment and will be called to return or not, but are actively looking for work.
4. Those are now working but are also looking for work.

D. What is intended by "Housekeeper" are persons who manage a household/help to manage a household without being paid a salary.

E. "School" means those are attending school.

F. Those who "Did not find work".

G. "Other": Those who are not engaged in any activity such as A through E, for example, because they are too old to work, are paralyzed, retarded, etc., do not have any activity or their only activity is a hobby.

Filling in the form
Ask the question about main activity engaged in during the past week as follows:

D1 "What usual activity were you engaged in during the past week?"

If someone had more than one activity, for example: Working and doing household work, working and then doing household work or on leave, etc., then the enumerator should ask which activity is the main activity. The activity that required the longest time during the past week is the main activity.