Questionnaire Text

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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

4. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Divorced
[] Widow/widower

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6.5. Question 4: Marital status
6.5.1 Concept and definition
1. Single: For those who are not been married during the enumeration.
2. Married: For those who are married during the enumeration whether they live together or separately. They are considered married not only if by law, religion, custom, and so on, but also if they have been living together and are considered married by the society.
3. Divorced: For those who are divorced from their husband/wife and have not remarried. This is also including those who have separated or have divorced without going through legal action.
4. Widow/widower: For those that have had their spouse pass away and have not remarried.

6.5.2. Procedure
Ask the question:
"Have you been married?"

If the answer is "Single" then fill in the single box. If the answer is "Married" ask the question:
"Are you still married?"

If the answer is "Yes", fill in the married box. If the answer is "No", ask: "Are you divorced or a widow/widower?"

If the answer is "Divorced", fill in the divorce box.
If the answer is "Widow/widower", fill in the widow/widower box.