Questionnaire Text

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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

2. What is the type of the housing unit?

[] Dwelling (family house as well)
[] Holiday home
[] Others (e.g. shop, caravan)
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I. Dwelling data

2. What is the type of the housing unit?

Apartment or family house can be marked only if the dwelling is intended for human accommodation, built for or converted into dwelling and also suitable for living at present. A group of technically (architecturally) adjoining places that is suitable for accommodation for the whole year. It has which has a separate entrance from a public place, courtyard or from a collectively used place inside the building (staircase, corridor etc.).

If a summer kitchen is not used by the household living in the main building but is lent to another household e.g. a subtenant than it is considered as a separate housing unit. In this case the type of the housing unit is other. If the address of the summer kitchen is missing from the Address list it must be entered in a new row.

Holiday home and other can be marked only if it is inhabited least one person lives there at the reference date (in this case only it is included in the group of housing units to be enumerated).

Indicate Other in case of

- Occupied parts of business premises (warehouse, wine press-house, stable, workshop, wash-house, shop, garage etc.),
- Occupied parts of temporary, mobile or other facilities (hut, caravan, ship cave etc.)