Questionnaire Text

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21.3 How much time does the journey to work or school usually take (including the way back home and waiting)?
To work:

_ _ _ Minutes

To school:

_ _ _ Minutes

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In answering this question only the work performed regularly (at least for 2-3 weeks) will be taken into account.

The precondition of receiving childcare allowance, allowance for upbringing the child(ren), pension, rent on own right, unemployment benefit, regular social support and similar transfers previous work, employment is required. The persons in questions -- with some very limited exemptions -- have had been active earners. The question relates to the active period preceding the given persons receive the allowances, rents, payments mentioned above.

In case of persons working only during the school-year holidays or working occasionally or who have never worked, the further sub-questions will be skipped.

Question 21.3: How much time does the journey to work or school take usually (including the way back home and waiting)?

The enumerated person should give in the answer the daily duration of the travel to and from his/her home and workplace/school. The time spent for reaching the public transport by foot and back as well as the time spent for waiting for the transportation means should be taken into account, while the time for shopping, entertainment, etc. must be disregarded.

In cases of persons working in the dwelling, at home, and part-time students (not visiting the school daily), no answer will be marked.