Questionnaire Text

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Only for those who marked any of the answers 20-81 in question 13.

20.1 When did you finish your last job?

[] 0 Never worked (Skip to 21)
[] Year _ _ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

In answering this question only the work performed regularly (at least for 2-3 weeks) will be taken into account.

The precondition of receiving childcare allowance, allowance for upbringing the child(ren), pension, rent on own right, unemployment benefit, regular social support and similar transfers previous work, employment is required. The persons in questions -- with some very limited exemptions -- have had been active earners. The question relates to the active period preceding the given persons receive the allowances, rents, payments mentioned above.

In case of persons working only during the school-year holidays or working occasionally or who have never worked, the further sub-questions will be skipped.

Question 20.1: When did you finish your last job?

The year of the termination of the job before pension or unemployment should be recorded. In case of the pensioners who continued their former job while receiving the pension, the date of the first pension transfer should be marked.