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4. Type of the dwelling
[] 1 For habitation
[] 2 For recreation
[] 3 Occupied other housing unit (shop, workshop, laundry, press-house, hovel, house on wheels, etc.)

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Question 4: Type of housing unit

The dwelling is a unit of places and rooms with specific functions (living rooms, cooking places, sanitary places etc.), generally technically (architecturally) connected to each other, intended for human accommodation, stay (home) or converted into dwelling and also suitable for living at present, which has a separate en-trance from a public place, courtyard or from a collectively used place inside the building (staircase, corridor etc.). The dwelling gives protection against the harm caused by the weather and the environment and is suitable for permanent stay of one (or more) private households.

The group of technically (architecturally) adjoining places, connected with inner passages, will be considered at the enumeration as one dwelling also in cases when the passages of one or several places were blocked temporarily but not walled (e.g. in the case of co-tenancy). A mostly separate place, building -- e.g. the summer kitchen of detached family house -- built as a part of the dwelling should be considered as part of the dwelling if it was used by the household living in the main building. However, a summer kitchen let to a subtenant, i.e. used by an outside household, forms a separate housing unit.

The premises of the building built originally or converted into shop, restaurant, workshop, etc. are not regarded as part of the dwelling even if those can be entered directly from the dwelling.

The holiday house (holiday housing unit in a building for recreation in individual or collective ownership) practically has the same characteristics as the dwelling though usually those are not necessarily suitable for use during the entire year; those are used generally for rest, recreation, summer holidays. The building built-for-one of the former purposes will be enumerated as holiday house only if
It has at least 12 square meters total floor-space;
The walls and roof is made of durable material revisiting to the storm and bed weather;
The floor is covered with a solid material (concrete, wood, etc);
It has at least one room of total surface exceeding 6 square meters;
At least one window ensures the natural light in the premises;
Hygienic facilities are available.

The holiday house -- mostly temporarily -- might serve different purposes e.g. as temporary residence, place of stay, etc. though should be coded always as holiday house.

The buildings not suiting the above requirements (e.g. fisherman's house, common weekend house, other buildings made of non-durable materials, wine press-houses, etc.) as well as the temporary, mobile or other facilities (e.g. tool-shed, motorbus body, caravan, trailer, etc.) should not regarded as holiday houses, consequently the must not be enumerated. The respective addresses will be marked on the "List of addresses" with the code "holiday housing unit not suiting the requirements of a holiday house (08)".

Occupied other housing units are the following:
Business premises, which have been built with primary designation as shop, office, workshop, depository, washing room, garage, wine press-house, etc., and have not been transformed into dwelling, nevertheless at least one person is living there;
The building erected on the parcel of the main building, containing mostly one single premise. These facilities have been usually built for future accommodation of subtenants, night-lodgers, or for other purposes than habitation and at the reference date of the census were occupied at least by one subtenant or night-lodger.