Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 15-19 were asked of persons who are economically active, work or get a child care fee or child care allowance, per question 14]

19. Working place:

a) Name: _____

b) It's location and from where do you go there every day?


_____ Town/commune
_____ District

[Go there from:]

[] 1 From your permanent residence
[] 2 From your temporary residence

Questions 26-32 must be filled in only concerning the economically active persons
[Questions 26-32 were asked of economically active persons, per question 14]

29. Do you commute between the place of your residence and your working place?

[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes, daily and also from time to time
[] 2 Yes, every day
[] 3 Yes, from time to time

If you commute:
[Questions 29.a-29.d were asked of persons who commute to work, per question 29]

a) The start of daily commuting: in the year 19 _ _

b) The cause of commuting:
[] 1 You found no job in the place of your residence
[] 2 You didn't find a job corresponding to your qualification in the place of your residence
[] 3 A job meeting your financial demands
[] 4 A job corresponding to your physical faculties
[] 5 A job ensuring a further development, the continuation of studies
[] 6 You can't get a dwelling in the settlement of your working place
[] 7 You cling to the place of your residence
[] 8 You follow the manner of life of your environment
[] Other, specify it; ____
c) The start of commuting from time to time: in the year 19 _ _

d) The frequency of commuting from time to time:
[] 1 Every week
[] 2 Every two-three weeks
[] 3 Every month
[] 4 Less frequently