Questionnaire Text

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Enter the persons in the table by households, within them grouped by families, following the order of the possibilities of reply of graph "family status". The persons belonging to a common household should get the same serial number of household (first household = 1, second household = 2, etc.). To a common household belong such persons living together who bear jointly the costs of living (e.g. meal, daily expenses).

The subtenants and bed-tenants as well as the cotenants (with their family members) always belong to a separate household.

[The following three lists provide information from a table on the census form. The table indicates the appropriate response to the family status question corresponding to various family arrangements. In the list below, the family-status responses are show at the end of each line, after the colon.]

A family is formed by:
a married couple with or without children: husband; wife; child
a partner-in-life relation with or without children: partner-in-life, child
a mother or father with children (without a spouse, partner in life): mother or father living alone with her/his child, child
To a family belongs the person living with the family but forming no separate family:
one parent or grandparent (great-grandparent) of the husband, wife, partner-in-life, mother or father living alone with her/his child, their father-in-law or mother-in-law: ascendant
except those enumerated every relative (e.g. brother/sister, grandchild): other relative
persons being in no relation to the members of the family (e.g. child under state care, person with a contract relating to support for life): non-relative
If the person living in the household doesn't form a family:
in case of living together of relatives: other relative
in all other cases: non-relative
if the household consists of one person: person living alone