Questionnaire Text

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Questions No. 15 to 18 to be answered by:

[Questions 15-18 were asked of those who satisfied one of the following four requirements:]
- Answered 'yes' to question 14
- Inactive earners data prior to child (care leave, retiring)
- Other dependents having worked 90 days or longer,
- Dependents who were not enumerated together with the supporter (supporter's data)

18. [Further employment details]

a) Employer ____

b) Working place ____

c) Where do you go to work?

Commune, town ____
District ____

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18/c Where the respondent does go for work?

If the answer to question 14/b is "yes" than the address (at least the locality, in Budapest also the district) of the workplace marked in question 18/b will be given here.

In cases of persons having a traveling job (railways, travel companies, etc.) and of those working for transport, service, repair and similar companies, the address is the site where the daily person's daily work is commencing. In their cases the answer "not fixed" must not be accepted.

In cases of persons working for construction companies, the place of work is the actual construction site where at the reference date of the enumeration the respondent worked.

In cases where the cultivated land and the estates of an agricultural company are expanding to several localities, the workplace of the person working for the agricultural company is not the address of the company, but the locality where during 1979 the enumerated person regularly or mostly worked.

If a person works abroad, only the name of the country should be marked.