15. Occupation, scope of activity ____
15. Occupation, scope of work
In answering the question detailed and accurate description of the occupation, scope of work is needed. The main considerations are as follows:
2. In cases of persons performing leading-managing activity, the specification should also be marked e.g. head of department for product development, head of section in human resources;
3. In cases of ministries, state organizations, local administrative bodies, parties and social organizations, the categories head of department, head of section, independent group manager (and the deputies), chief official, official will be entered in general, while in cases of persons working in the accounting, financial and administrative fields of the former organizations the actual occupation will be marked, (e.g. accountant, finance officer, manager in accounting, typist, etc.);
4. In cases of transportation companies (Hungarian railways, Hungarian Shipping Co, etc.) and the Hungarian Post Co., instead of the given rank (e.g. officer, councilor, etc.) the actual job should be marked;
5. In cases of managers and their deputies in shops, warehouse departments, restaurants, and service units (barber shop, laundry), the number of persons employed should be indicated too;
6. In cases of foremen in agriculture, it has to be asked whether the occupation is independent and if "yes" this should be marked in brackets e.g. "(independent) foreman of working ploughs", "(independent) foreman for tractor-drivers ", "(independent) foreman in fruit cultivation";
7. In cases of private merchants, the description should refer to the definite trade, e.g. vegetable and fruit trader, merchant in dry goods, etc.);
8. In cases of family helpers, the description should contain information primarily on the person "helped" (e.g. member of agricultural co-operative, person working in industry though having agricultural activity as secondary source of income, private farmer, private locksmith, private merchant, etc.) and secondly if possible on the scope of the actual activity. E.g. "family helper working in animal husbandry helping a member of agricultural co-operative", "family helper working in crops production helping a private farmer", etc;
9. The category of "agricultural day laborer" or "casual laborer" can be applied only in cases of persons working in agriculture or outside only occasionally and generally not for the same employer;
10. In cases of outside workers, the denomination of the actual occupation should be
attributed as "outside worker", e.g. "underwear maker, outside worker", "draughtsman, outside worker";
11. Occupation of the professional members of the armed forces -- in case no Personal questionnaire was given to the enumerator -- will be marked as "employee of the HM" (HM=Ministry of Defense), "employee of the BM"(BM= Ministry of the Interior) "militiaman", "fireguard", "excise man", while the civilian members of the armed forces will be marked with their actual civilian occupation;
12. In cases of retired members of the armed forces, the mark is "employee of the HM" , "employee of the BM ", "militiaman", "fireguard", "excise man";
13. In cases of "other inactive earners," the source of livelihood will be marked and no answers for questions 16-19 will be entered;
14. The occupation in cases of "institutional dependent" will be as "institutional dependent" and the questions 16-19 will not be answered.
Annex 3 contains examples for registration of the occupation and related entries.
Annex 3
Examples for filling in questions 15 and 17 of the personal questionnaire
Manual (blue-collar) occupations
Type-setter Miller
Cashier in a shop Agricultural vehicle mechanic
Bulldozer operator Tractor driver in agriculture
Crane operator Founder
Grocery shopkeeper Smelter
Turner Foundry operator
Radio mechanic Grocery shop assistant
Elevator handler in construction plant Detonator handler
Pig-man Hairdresser
Booby-hatch driver Milk taker machine operator
Assembler in clothing industry Motor mechanic
Body-smith Glassblower
Smith in general Producer of pneumatic tyres
Digger Roller(man)
Vegetable grower Order collector
Dressmaker outworker Knitter outworker
Embroiderer outworker Producer of paper products as outworker
Engine-driver Passenger car driver
Printing machine operator Track driver
Janitor Walking plough
Excavator Mailman
Manual material handler Transport worker
Stevedore Cleaner
Non-manual (blue-collar) occupations
Head of production unit Manager of an agricultural plant in animal husbandry
Director of a general school Deputy Director of investment department
Foreman of construction works Technological director
Chief agriculturist Head of section of technology
Independent foreman in agriculture Director of a community centre
Foreman in a mechanical plant Shopkeeper in a butcher's with three vendor
Head of department for product Deputy Head of financial development department
Foreman in metallurgic plant Managing chief physician in a rehabilitation hospital
Chief physician of a hospital section Professor managing a university' faculty
Deputy Head of accountancy Plant manager
Teacher in primary school Judge at a county court
Internal controller Designer in civil engineering
University assistant professor Human resources officer
Specialist in power management Draftsman
Dispatcher in construction works Demonstrator at university of medicine
Mechanical technician Independent laboratory technician
Head of group in RD Head of statistics group
Cost accountant School teacher
Physician in a hospital Telex operator
District physician Nurse
Keeper of storage registers Stock-taker
Payroll clerk Bill accountant
Typist Secretary
Accountant Company cashier
[The shopkeepers in shops, restaurants, service stations employing three or more persons are classified into leading-managing staff group].