Questionnaire Text

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3. Family status
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Wife
[] 3 Father, mother
[] 4 Child
[] 5 Ascending line relative
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Non relative
[] 8 Person living alone
[] Institute inhabitant

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3. Family status

While defining the family status, the reference person is in case of married couple type families the husband, in case of lone parent with child(ren) families the father or the mother respectively.

If married couple type families "husband (1)" and "wife (2)" is the correct entry, even if the partners live in consensual partnership.

"Father (or) mother (3)" should be marked if only one of the parents live with the child(ren). The answer is "child (4)" if children of persons marked with family status "husband (1)", "wife (2)" or "father, mother (3)". Family status of adopted children and nurslings is "child (4)" too.

"Ascending line relative (5)" is the family status of the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of persons classified as "husband (1)", "wife (2)" or "father, mother (3)".

"Other relative (6)" is the code for the persons not listed above (siblings of husband/wife, spouse of sibling's of husband/wife, etc.). In case blood-related persons not forming a family live together (e.g. three siblings) each person should be coded as "other relatives (6)".

The code "non-relative (7)" is marked if non-relatives living with the family (e.g. person in state care, boarder or person supported upon contract.

"Person living alone (8)" code is entered in case a person lives alone. The category includes the non-relatives living together (e.g. two friends).

For private households, the code "living in institutional household" must not be used.

Annex 1
Examples for answering question 3 of the Personal questionnaire

In cases where the persons listed below, the family status marked with "bold" should be recorded:

Husband: [All the following persons are included in this category]

One family household: Married/consensual partners
Household with two families: 1st family parent couple; 2nd family child couple

Wife: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: Married/consensual partners
Household with two families: 1st family parent couple; 2nd family child couple

Father, mother: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Lone parent: parent

Child: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: child
Lone parent: child

Ascending relative: [All the following persons are included in this category]
One family household: father of male partner

Other relative: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Lone parent: sibling of parent
Household of persons other than family: Grandfather; Grandchild; Siblings (for each person)


Lone person: [All the following persons are included in this category]
Non-relatives forming one household