Questionnaire Text

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E. Fertility
For women 15 years and older.
[Questions 22-25 were asked of women 15 years of age and older.]

22. Live births: Has this woman ever given birth to a child, even if the child is no longer alive?

[] 1Yes (Go to question 23)
[] 2 No

[Question 23-25 were only asked of women who answered "Yes" to question 22.]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E) Fertility

[Questions 22-25.]

Questions 22 to 25 are given exclusively to women ages 15 and older.

Question 22: Live births
83. The enumerator will take care to ask each woman 15 years old or more, who is part of the household, if she has already delivered a living child into the world, even if he is no longer living.
In the situation where the answer to this question is "no" for all women concerned, check the appropriate box, skip questions 23 to 25 and go on to the questions about the deceased which are located on the back of the questionnaire.
In the situation where the answer is "yes", check the corresponding box and go on to question "23".