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[Questions 15 to 21 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

16. Time spent working in the last six months
Indicate approximately how much the person in question worked during the last six months.

[] 1 Not at all
[] 2 Less than a month
[] 3 From 1 to 3 months
[] 4 More than 3 months

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D) Questions 15-21: Working Population

[Questions 15 to 21 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

Column 16- Time Spent Working in the Last Six Months: The purpose of this question is to identify all those individuals, 'working regularly or not' by asking them to declare how much time they devoted to any paid employment.

Ask the question systematically as a way of verifying all those people, even those who have not declared work as their principal activity. In particular it should allow part-time workers to be identified and to eliminate certain persons who have wrongly declared themselves to be 'workers'.

There are 4 options; mark the one corresponding to the answer you receive with an 'x'. Do not under any circumstances attempt to suggest any response whatsoever to the person being questioned.

1. Not at all for people who have not worked at all in the last 6 months.

2. Less than one month if the person has only worked for a period of less than one month, but has worked a total of at least one week (40 hours).

In this group you may find individuals who, even without a steady job, do work from time to time in some moneymaking activity.

3. From 1 to 3 months for persons not classified previously as "workers" but who were employed part-time only.

4. More than 3 months for persons working full time or employed for a period of 3 months during the period under consideration.

Please note: The person may not give an answer directly in months, but instead in days, in weeks, or in weeks per month].

-Include in the category 'less than one month' the

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following answers: 1 day per week or 1 hour per day.

-Include in the category '1 to 3 months' the following answers: 2 days per week, 1 day per month or 2 hours per day.

-Included in the category 'more than 3 months' the following answers: 2 weeks or more per month, 3 days or more per week.