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[Questions 15 to 21 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

15. Main activity during the last six months
By main activity we mean the activity in which the person in question spent the greatest part of his/her time.

[] 1 Worker
[] 2 Unemployed
[] 3 Housewife
[] 4 Student
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Other

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D) Questions 15-21: Working Population

[Questions 15 to 21 are asked to persons 5 years old and over]

Column 15- Main activity during the Last 6 Months: This is understood to be the employment at which the person in question spent most of his/her time. The purpose of this answer is to gather information

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about what people aged 5 and older did during the 6 months prior to the census. There are 6 possibilities. Mark an 'x' in the box corresponding to the answer you receive:

1. A worker is any person whose main employment is paid in kind or in cash. This group constitutes working people. The following enumerated persons should be included in this category:

a) Persons who are momentarily absent from their work because of illness, accident or vacation.

b) The wives, sons, daughters or other relatives who are part of the household and who work most of their time in a family business without receiving payment.

c) The wives, sons and daughters or other relatives who are part of the household and who work most of their time helping the head of the household in work in the field.

d) The housewives (spouses or domestic partners) who work part of the day in or outside the house and who receive payment in kind or cash for piece work, hourly work, etc.

2. Unemployed means anyone of either sex aged 5 or older who was not employed but who was looking for paid or paying work during the reference period (six months), including those who had never worked. Persons who were not looking for a job after an illness or temporary or indefinite layoff without salary during this six month period are also included in this group, as are those who are about to begin a new job during the period of reference.

3. A Housewife is a wife, domestic partner or

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any other woman of the household who does not engage in any paid work in or outside of the house and who is not looking for work. In general the housewife dedicates herself to work inside. She takes care of the upkeep of the house, her spouse or domestic partner, and her children.

Important ? If the woman engages in paid work in or outside of the house, she should be considered as working.

Example: A married woman who is a secretary in a public office, or another woman who has employment at home such as sewing or embroidery for a third party and for which she receives pay.

4. Student: A student is anyone aged 5 or older in primary or secondary school, in higher education, university or professional school who does not work and is not looking for work.. If a student is both student and worker, for example an office worker who spends more time working than studying, then he/she should be recorded as a worker.

5. Retired (and receiving a pension/private income): This is for people of both sexes who are not engaged in any work and who receive revenue from goods/property or other investments, payments or pension benefits/annuities from previous employment. If a retired person works full time in a different profession, such as a government employee who now runs a business, for example, he/she should be recorded as a worker and not as 'retired'.

6. Other: Put all people who cannot be considered as 'workers', 'unemployed', 'student', or 'retired' in this category. In a certain sense [this is] anyone older than 5 who does not work, is not looking for work, and who is supported by his/her parents.