Questionnaire Text

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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For all persons
[Questions 1- 5 were asked of all persons.]

5. What population group does [the person] belong to?

[] 1 Garífuna
[] 2 Black English
[] 3 Tolupán
[] 4 Pech (Paya)
[] 5 Misquito
[] 6 Lenca
[] 7 Tawahka (Sumo)
[] 8 Chortí
[] 9 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section F. Characteristics of the persons

On the heading of each page of this section write the names of the persons that make up this household one-by-one, maintaining the order established in 'composition of the household' (question 2, section D).

You will begin with head of household [male or female] as person number 1 and will continue with the rest of the members of the household.

Always ask about the spouse or partner of the head of household; never assume that he or she does not exist. Whenever possible, in the case where both are present, you will ask the questions of each person separately.

For all persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

Question 5: To which population do you belong?
Complete the question reading the different population groups that are included in the question. Mark the group or option that the informant manifests belonging to or that the person about whom information is being given belongs to. The option of the box 'other' should be marked when the person responds that he or she does not belong to any of the groups mentioned in the options above this one. For examples, mestizos [mixed ancestry] or ladinos [Spanish/mixed ancestry], etc.