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Section D. Household composition

1. Including the newborns, girls, boys, elderly (female and male), and domestic employees (male and female), how many people usually make up this household in total?

_ _Total
_ _ Men
_ _ Women
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Section D. Composition of the Household

Persons who make up the household
You should consider as persons who make up the household those who depend on a common budget at least for their food and who permanently live in this dwelling; even when at the moment of enumeration they are temporarily absent for reasons of business, travel, health, studies, work, etc.

[p. 42]

Who should be enumerated?
You should enumerate:

- All of the persons who have been part of the household for six months or more.

- All of the persons who have been part of the household for less than six months and declare intentions of establishing residence in this place.

- All of the persons who are alive during the census period.

- All of the children [boys and girls] born before twelve o'clock midnight of the 27th.

- All of the persons who died after twelve o'clock midnight of the 27th.


Below there are various cases that can come up in the enumeration. [The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Cases
(B) Place where the person should be enumerated

Cases: The person resides in the dwelling, but is temporarily absent due to business, vacations, tourism, work, etc.
Place where the person should be enumerated: In this dwelling.

Cases: The person resides in the dwelling, but he or she is in a hospital or clinic due to injury, giving birth, operations, medical check-up, short illness
Place where the person should be enumerated: In this dwelling.

Cases: The person is in the dwelling at the census moment and does not have a habitual residence in another place
Place where the person should be enumerated: In this dwelling.

Cases: Is stationed in military installations where he/she lives permanently
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the military installation.

Cases: Is stationed in military installations and lives and sleeps in the base because he r she is on duty
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling where he or she lives.

Cases: Official or member of the crew of a ship, if he or she lives on the ship
Place where the person should be enumerated: On the ship.

Cases: Official or member of the crew of a ship, if he or she has a place of residence on land
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling on land.

Cases: Resident students at a boarding school
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the institute or school where he/she resides and studies.

Cases: Student who is not a resident at a boarding school who habitual resides in another city or town
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling where he or she habitually resides.

Cases: Nurse who lives in a hospital, clinic, etc.
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the hospital, clinic, etc.

Cases: Persons who maintain more than one residence and divide their time among the residences
Place where the person should be enumerated: The dwelling where he/she the greatest part of the time.

Cases: Honduran citizen who is in another country temporarily on vacation, traveling for reasons of work, health, tourism, etc.
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling where he/she resides in Honduras.

Cases: Lives in another country
Place where the person should be enumerated: Is not enumerated.

Cases: Foreigner who has his/her residence in Honduras
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling where he or she resides.

Cases: Foreign diplomat who lives in Honduras
Place where the person should be enumerated: In the dwelling where he or she lives.

Cases: Persons who live in another country and it is not known when they will return Place where the person should be enumerated: Do not enumerate.

Cases: Persons who live outside of the household for more than six months
Place where the person should be enumerated: Do not enumerate.
Question 1: Including the newborns, girls, boys, elderly women, elderly men, male and female domestic employees who sleep inside the dwelling, how many persons in total habitually make up this household?
Note in the corresponding spaces the total of persons who habitually reside in the household, the number of men and women, whether they are present or not. Verify that the sum of men and women coincides with the total of members of the household.

Be sure to include the newborns, all of the boys and girls, as well as all of the elderly persons.