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Section B. Information about the Dwelling

Only for individual dwellings that are occupied with persons present
[Questions 5- 12 were asked of individual, occupied dwellings.]

Rooms in the dwelling:

10. Without counting bathrooms and corridors, how many total rooms are there in the dwelling?

Number of rooms: _ _
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Only for private dwellings with persons present
[Questions 5-12 were asked of private dwellings with persons present]

Rooms in the dwelling

Question 10: Without counting the bathrooms nor corridors, how many rooms are there in total in the dwelling?
Read the question exactly as it is written. When the informant gives you the number of rooms, before you write them down, be sure that he or she has counted all of the rooms that exist in the dwelling, which means, the bedrooms, kitchen, living rooms, dining room, study rooms, storage room, etc., independently of whether those rooms are used by one or more households. Inclusive, those rooms that are physically separated from the principal structure of the dwelling should be counted.

Room or habitation: This is the space or area situated in a dwelling, closed by non-mobile walls that go from the floor to the ceiling or at least to a height of two meters from the floor and that are used or are apt for human habitation.

You should be careful to register the data, considering that:

- In the independent dwelling, you should register the total of rooms of the structure identified as such.

- In the apartment, you should register the total of rooms of each apartment and not the total of apartments in the building.
[p. 36]
- In the room in a rooming house or tenement, you should register the total number of rooms occupied by the household or households and not the total number of rooms that the building has in all.

- In the transitory shelter, you should register the total number of rooms that the household or the households occupy and not the total number of rooms that the building has as in all.

- In the case presented about the administrator of the hotel, you should only register the rooms that he and his family occupy and not the total number of rooms in the building.

Below we present the illustration of a dwelling in which you can see five rooms.

[Illustration is omitted]