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Section B. Information about the Dwelling

4. Condition of Occupancy:

Occupied dwelling

[] 1 Dwelling with persons present
[] 2 Dwelling with persons absent
End the form here after three visits

Unoccupied dwelling

[] 3 For rent or sale
[] 4 Temporary use
[] 5 Being repaired
[] 6 Under construction
[] 7 Other

(End the form here if any of these answers are selected)
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Question 4: Condition of occupancy of the dwelling
By simple observation, mark the box that corresponds to the condition of occupation of the dwelling: occupied or unoccupied, considering that:

Occupied dwelling
[Each definition is accompanied by an illustration]

- With persons present: This is the dwelling that on the day of the interview is found occupied by at least one person capable of providing the requested data.

- With persons absent: This is the dwelling that is occupied in a permanent manner, but for reasons of work or other motives, the persons are not in the dwelling on the census days. Investigate with the neighbors the motive for the absence, complete form CPV-02-EC and put it inside the dwelling. In the space for observations of the control of the census sheet, note the day and time indicated for obtaining information.

If you finish the enumeration of the segment and you have not managed to find any person with the capability of providing the data, after three visits, you will mark "occupied with the persons absent".
Unoccupied dwelling
[Illustrations are omitted]

- For rent or for sale: This is the dwelling that at the moment of the census is found unoccupied and it available for rent or for sale.

- For temporary use: This is the dwelling that is generally used for vacationing, for weekends, or for habitation in times of planting or harvesting.

- Under repair: This is the dwelling that is exclusively in the process of repair, whether it is the floor, walls, roof, etc.

- Under construction: This is the dwelling that is in the process of construction, but is finished to point of walls and roof, but at the moment of the census it is uninhabited.
[p .33]
- Other: In this category, enter those dwellings that have been abandoned, are pending demolition, have been evacuated temporarily, or simply are closed for other reasons.
Care that should be taken
- Only mark one of the boxes.

- The box 'persons absent' should be marked after having made the third visit, finalize the form, but do not forget to complete the three questions above and place the sticker of dwelling enumerated.

- If you mark one of the above boxes of 'unoccupied dwelling', finalize the form, do not forget to fill in the three questions above and place the sticker of dwelling enumerated.