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C. Economic characteristics

19. During the last week, did you:

[] 1 Work in an occupation for which you were paid
[] 2 Work in an occupation without payment
[] 3 Have a job but did not work (due to illness, vacation, leave, etcetera)
[] 4 Look for work (had worked before)
(For the above answers, skip to question 21)
[] 5 Look for work for the first time (never had worked before)
[] 6 Perform household duties
[] 7 Study exclusively
[] 8 Retired or pensioned (and live only from pension income)
[] 9 Permanently disabled for purposes of work
[] 0 Other
(For answers 5-0, go on to question 20)

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C. Economic characteristics

19. During the last week the person:

Note: This question is designed to determine the condition of activity or type of activity; that is, the relationship between each person and economic activity that takes place in the country. To determine the condition of each person, all residents 10 years of age or older are asked if, during the week of May 15-21, 1988 (last week), they "worked in an occupation that gave them money", "worked for another person without receiving money", or any of the other eight alternatives that follow.

Important: The condition of each person, during last week, should be carefully investigated. Each of the alternatives should be read and only one "X" is marked for the alternative that receives the affirmative answer.

[p. 49]

Each of the alternatives for question 19 is presented below. They should be carefully analyzed.

[] 1 Did you work in an occupation that gave you money?
This is the person who carried out some type of work in the week of May 15-21, 1988, for at least the work equivalent to one work day.

Other than what is normally considered to be work, a person is considered to have worked in the last week if:

- He or she worked for a daily or regular wage.
- He or she worked for in-kind pay: "food, supplies, or shelter in place of pay in cash."
- He or she was directing or collaborating in the work of his or her own farm.
- He or she worked for commission, tips, or for a piece-rate.
- He or she was directing the work for his or her own business, professional practice, or was working as an independent worker (on own-account).
- He or she was in the armed services.
- He or she occasionally worked.
- He or she worked part-time, or if they carried out any part-time job during the past week for which was paid in money.
[] 2 Did you work for another person without receiving pay in money?
The person who worked for a relative or other person, who, instead of money, received pay in-kind such as: food, clothing, and supplies; or who received pay in services such as: dwelling, transportation, etc.

[p. 50]

[] 3 Did you have a job but did not work?
This refers to those who are employed but who did not carry out their activities during the last week because they were absent because of illness, vacation, or leave. Many agricultural employees who wait for the planting and harvesting season are in this situation.

Note: The following two categories allow the classification of the unemployed; therefore, the enumerator should be very careful to include all persons who are in this situation.

[] 4 Did you look for employment? ([the person] had worked before)
Include in this category those who had lost their employment, job, or business; because of this they did not work last week but they are currently looking for work.

[] 5 Did you look for work for the first time? (never having worked before)
Include in this category those who are looking for work for the first time and having never worked before. This category is very common for those young persons who have recently finished some level of education, either primary, secondary, or university.

[] 6 Did you perform domestic duties?
Those who did not carry out any remunerated activity during the past week, having been exclusively dedicated to domestic duties, are included in this category. The domestic employee should not be included in this category, rather in the category of "Worked in an occupation that gave money".

[] 7 Did you study exclusively?
This question refers to those who, during the last week, were only dedicated to studying; that is, they did not carry out a productive activity at the same time.

Reminder: For the purposes of the census, for those who study and work at the same time, only the activity that occupies most of the person's time during the week of 15-21 May, 1988, is considered.

[p. 51]

[] 8 Are you a retiree or pensioner? (lives only from pension)
This question refers to those who receive their income exclusively from a pension that can be because of widowhood, disability, or retirement because of age or years of service.

[] 9 Are you permanently disabled, unable to work?
This category refers to those who, because of illness, accident, or advanced age, are completely or permanently disabled and unable to carry out a productive activity.

[] 0 Other?
Include in this category those who did not work during the last week, but the reason for this is not found in question 19. Example: when a person claims to work when he or she want to, or the person does not like to work, etcetera.