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Only for private dwellings
[Questions 9-16 were asked of private dwellings]

12. Monthly rent
How much is the monthly rent paid for this dwelling?

_____ L. [Honduran Lempira]
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Cell number 12: Monthly rent
When box number 2 is marked in cell No.11 ([the occupant is a] renter), the monthly rent, in lempiras [Honduran currency], paid by the renter is recorded.

The enumerator should be care when a person is renting a house but, at the same time, rents part of the house to another person. If the second [sublet] part of the house makes up a separate dwelling, a separate form is filled out and therefore the value of the monthly rent paid [for the sublet] should not be included in the rent of the whole house.

Example: a man rents the house where he and his family live for L. 250. He also rents part of the house to another family for L. 100. Two census households live in this dwelling and therefore, two forms are filled out. However, in none of the forms should the amount of L. 250 appear for cell number 12.

In the first form, corresponding to the principal renter, the amount of L. 150, the amount effectively paid, is recorded. The other L. 100 is paid by the other family and should be recorded on the second form.

However, if a person pays L. 250 in rent and sublets two rooms for L. 50 each, but the persons occupying these rooms do not constitute separate census households; only one form is filled out and the amount of L. 250 is recorded as the monthly rent in cell number12.