Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
1. Is this place of habitation the regular residence of the people in the household?
[] 1 Yes (proceed to question 3)
[] 2 No
2. Where do they normally reside?
[Question 2 is asked of households not enumerated in the dwelling of regular residence]

Exact address ________
Department ________ _ _
Municipality ________ _ _

[] 1 In another country (proceed to another location (dwelling))
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
2. Permanent residence
This is the geographic location where a person has already established his/her residence, or is intending to settle into, on the date of the census.

The length of time that determines permanent residency is 3 months or more. When a person has lived fewer than three months in a dwelling, but intends to stay longer than the time indicated, he/she should be considered a permanent resident of that place.

People do not stop being members of the household simply because they are temporarily absent for reasons of illness, vacation, tourism, work, etc., if they plan to return to their permanent place of residence once the circumstances which caused them to be absent on the date of the census have returned to normal.

The following are permanent residents of a dwelling. Enumerate them:

Persons who live in the premise permanently, whether or not they are family relations.

Person who are temporarily absent at the time of the enumeration due to work, health, or vacation but who live permanently in the premise.

Foreigners who have had their permanent residence in the country for three or more months, or those who have been in the country for fewer than three months but intend to stay longer.

The following are not permanent residents of a dwelling. Do not enumerate them.

Persons who are visiting the premise and who have a permanent residence elsewhere.

[p. 52]

Persons who left to live permanently in another place for reasons of schooling, work, etc.

Persons who work during the day in the dwelling, but who sleep in their own permanent residence (domestic employees, day workers, etc.).

Members of the household who, for three months or more, are completing a prison sentence or who are in prison awaiting trial.

Foreigners who are visiting with no intention of settling in the country.

Ask, "Is this dwelling the permanent residence of the people in this household?"

[A graphic of question 1, from section 6 of the census form, is included here.]

If the answer is yes, go to question 3.

If the answer is no, ask, "Where do they reside permanently?"

[A graphic of question 2, from section 6 of the census form, is included here.]

[p. 53]

Write the exact address of the permanent residence on the appropriate lines. Include the name of the department and the municipality.

If the members of the household reside in another country, fill in the appropriate oval and finish the interview. Go to another dwelling or premise, as the situation dictates.