Questionnaire Text

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Chapter III. Identification of households

2. Do these people prepare food separately?

[] 1 Yes (proceed to chapter 4)
[] 2 No
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Section 3: Household identification

Census household: This is one or several persons, with or without family ties, who live together under the same roof to provide for their food needs. The household may comprise of:

a) One person who meets his/her food and lodging needs alone.

b) Two or more persons who unite to meet their food and lodging needs. The persons may or may not be related, as long as they live permanently in the dwelling.

[A drawing accompanies this description.]

To identify a household or households in a dwelling, ask, "How many persons currently live in this dwelling?"

[p. 41]

[A graphic of question 1, from section 3 of the census form, is included here.]

If there is one person, this constitutes a census household. Go to section 4, "household housing status."

If there are two or more people, ask, "Do these people prepare their food separately?"

[A graphic of question 2, of section 3 of the census form, is included here.]

If the answer is negative, these people are considered a census household. Go to section 4, "household housing status."

If the answer is yes, ask, "How many groups of people prepare their food separately?"

[p. 42]

[A graphic of question 3, from section 3 of the census form, is included here.]

Write the total number of groups in the appropriate box. Each group constitutes a census household. Now go on to interview the first household (household number 01) on this form.

For the rest of the household use other forms, filling in the same codes from numbers 1 and 2 of section one, "geographic localization" from the first household's form. Also, write the corresponding household number within the dwelling. Cross out sections 2 and 3 and begin the interview with section 4, "household housing status".