Questionnaire Text

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II. Characteristics of the place of habitation

5. Occupancy

a. Occupied:
[] 1 With people present
[] 2 With people absent
b. Vacant:
[] 3 For sale
[] 4 For rent
[] 5 Under repair
[] 6 For other reason
If vacant, go on to another place.
[If the local is vacant, enumerator should go to the next place of habitation]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
II. Dwelling characteristics

As mentioned previously, questions 1 through 9 of this section should be investigated for each one of the "dwellings". The specific instructions that follow will allow the enumerator to complete the work more efficiently.

Question 5: occupancy

1. How to investigate this question

The dwelling is investigated to see if it is:

A) Occupied: by persons who are present or by persons who are temporarily absent, or

B) Unoccupied: for sale, for rent, under repair, and other reasons.

2. How to record the data

Once the occupancy of the dwelling is defined, the number of the category is circled. If it is determined that the dwelling is unoccupied for any of the reasons given above, the interview is ended and the enumerator will proceed to the next dwelling.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 5 of the census form]