Questionnaire Text

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Educational and occupational characteristics
Persons 7 years old and more
[Questions 15 to 26 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]

Occupational situation in the month before the census

26. Affiliation with IGGS: Is the person currently affiliated with the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Educational and occupational characteristics

These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.

Economic characteristics of the population

The questions oriented to find out which were the economic activities of the population (questions 19 to 26) will only be asked of persons who are seven years old or older. Therefore, for every child who is six years old or younger, you should make an X in the respective spaces across the columns.

Questions 19 to 26 are of great significance, and therefore we request that the enumerator pay the greatest attention possible to the instructions that are given on the following pages for filling them in.

The questions contained in this section of the form have a certain relationship to each other, and therefore, if you do not put special care in completing them, you run the risk of obtaining incompatible information that will cause enormous damage to the posterior process to which the form will be subjected.

In general, the research of the economic characteristics of the population will refer not to the day of the census, but to the month previous to the census, which will be from March 17th to April 17th, 1964.

Question 26: Are you currently affiliated to the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS)?

[p. 52]

This question should only be asked of the persons who are seven years old or older and answered "yes" in any of the questions 19 and 20, which means, that they worked in the last four weeks before the day of the census or looked for a job.

Through this question, we desire to know the number of contributing workers to date to the Guatemalan Social Security Institute, which means those to whom deductions are made from their wage for the social security (work accidents and maternity). As a contributing affiliated worker we understand the worker who pays his or her contribution to the Guatemalan Social Security Institute, even when the payment is made later by the employer. Do not include persons or family members who do not cover the quotas of IGSS, even when they receive the benefits.

Therefore, you should mark the corresponding small box (yes or no), according to whether the person at the census moment is covered or not in direct form by the IGSS (contributors of IGSS).

Be aware that here we are talking about the social security, which means that which is administered by the Guatemalan Social Security Institute. Those that are administered by private insurance companies are not included in this question.