Questionnaire Text

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Educational and occupational characteristics
Persons 7 years old and more
[Questions 15 to 26 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]


17. If the person attends school or receives an education, what year and what level of education?

[] 1 Elementary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Educational and occupational characteristics

These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.

Question 17: If the persons attends school or receives education, what year and class of education does he or she receive?

For all of those persons who inform that they do attend school or receive instruction, you should investigate the grade and educational level that they attend (elementary, secondary, or university), writing on the respective line and with numbers, the grade that they attend.

For those schools that take classes by semesters, you should note the year that corresponds to the semester that they attend.

Take into consideration that in this census you will not investigate the persons who attend preschool.

[p. 44]

For those persons younger than seven years old you should make an X over the box, the same as for persons who answered "no" in question 16.