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VII. Housing services and amenities
[Mark only one box in each division]


24. Direct source of water service

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Well
[] 3 River, lake, spring
[] 4 Other (specify) ____
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VII. Services and amenities of the dwelling

In this section, we investigate the existence and characteristics of some of the services that should be in every dwelling, such as water, drains, lighting, etc.

a) Water:
In this part of the form, we want to obtain necessary information to know the way in which the occupants of the dwelling are supplied with water; this knowledge is a great importance for the municipalities, sanitary authorities, and other offices and institutions, for the development of water supply systems to the populated areas.

Delivery system: The first information to be collected refers to whether or not the dwelling is supplied with water that is delivered through pipes that belong to a municipal or public system, or an individual system (pressurized deposit, pumps, etc.). The pipes can enter the dwelling for direct supply to the inhabitants or can end outside the dwelling, in a fountain or public faucet.

It is considered that the dwelling has "running water" if the occupants are supplied with water through pipes installed in the dwelling or from faucets or fountain, water deposits or water tanks, supplied by pipelines and that are not at a distance of more than one block from the dwelling.

[p. 27]

It is considered that the dwelling "has no running water" when the occupants get their water supply directly from a river, spring, natural spring, well, irrigation ditch, etc., which means that there is no pipeline. Likewise, will be include in the same category those dwellings that are supplied through a public network (water tank, faucet, water deposit, etc.) when the point from where they obtain water is more than one block from the dwelling. Will be included in this category those dwellings that have barrels or deposits that are filled with buckets, which means that the occupants carry the water to fill them.

The third aspect to investigate in this section of the form, line 24, is the knowledge of the immediate water source from which the occupants of the dwelling are supplied. We have considered the following sources specifically:

1) Public network (n general, from the municipality)
2) Well
3) River, lake spring, etc.

In the last line, labeled "other" you will note any other source, such as ditch, irrigation ditch, etc.

The source should be noted according to the place from where the dwelling is supplied directly. Therefore, if the municipal installation of the town takes the water from a river, you will not write river, because the occupants of the dwelling get the water from a "public network and not from the "river."