Questionnaire Text

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[Question were asked of all persons that are currently working.]

17. Working hours

C. If during the previous week you worked less than usual hours, please state the reason:

[] 1 Lack of full time job
[] 2 Illness
[] 3 Seasonal work or Weather conditions
[] 4 Training
[] 5 Holiday or vacation
[] 6 Other reason (state) _____
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Question 17 "Working hours" (Case 1 of question 13)

a) "How many hours do you usually work?"
Record the number of the individuals' working hours during a week usually. Include all hours that the individual is present at his work.
b) "How many hours did you work during the week 3-9 of May?"
Record the actual total number of the individuals' working hours for all days of the week 3-9 of May.
[p. 27]
We clarify that the enumerated individual worked as many hours as he was present at his work, i.e. shop, business, service or for outdoor business regardless of whether or not during this time he did not worked manually or otherwise. For instance, the shop-keeper opening his shop, has worked as many hours as the shop was open regardless of whether or not there were sales during this period.
More specifically:

- For transport workers, e.g. car drivers, working time is the time spent going to load and unload or parking etc. Also, for rovers, street venders etc. working time is the time spend looking for clients.
- For employees only the actual working time counts from their arrival in their place of work to their leaving it. Also, overtime will count regardless of whether or not are paid for it.
- For teachers, the time spent at home correcting and preparing their lessons is to count for working time.

For certain occupational categories that their clients are visiting them at their home or they are visiting at their clients' home (e.g. dressmakers, hairdressers, teachers etc.) the actual time spent with their clients is to be considered as working time.
There is a chance that the enumerated individual did not work or worked less during the week of the census taking for various reasons. Maybe he worked only in certain days or even at all. If during the previous to the census week he did not work at all in case b of question 17, 00 is to be recorded. If 00 is recorded or the number of hours is less than the hours that he usually works (case a of question 17) then he has to state the reason recorded with X [omitted, the categthe form and examples of recording other reasons].