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C. Enumeration form of person

4. Relation to the household.

Questions 4 A1 and 4 A2 to be answered by all members of the household and only them.

A1. Member of the household
[] 1 Present
[] 2 Temporarily absent (during enumeration period)
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Question 4 "Relation to the household"
Member of the household is considered every individual residing permanently in the dwelling.

Present is considered and is to be enumerated every individual that were not absent from his dwelling during the census taking. Even if an individual is absent at the hour/day of the enumerator's visit to the household because he went to work, church, cafe, visiting relations or anywhere else, he is to be recorded as present.
Temporarily Absent Member [of the household] is considered and is to be enumerated the individual who is a member of the household but were absent from the household, e.g. for tourism, hospitalization, business, detention etc. In exception, sailors and fishermen are always considered as temporarily absent members of the household regardless of the time of their absence. Also, as temporarily absent members of the household are considered the individuals that work far from home but return during weekends as well as pupils of primary and secondary education that are away from home during school term.
They are not considered as temporarily absent those who are imprisoned, hospitalized for a long period of time (in institutions for the disabled, sanatoriums, psychiatric clinics etc.), students of higher education studying abroad or in another Greek city since they reside there.
[Omitted, instructions for A1 and A2 of question 4 as in the form]
Temporary House Guest is considered the individual member of another household only if the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011 spent the night in the dwelling of the enumerated household. Information on the house guest who does not reside still in the household during the enumerator's visit is to be collected from another member of the household that provided hospitality the before mentioned night. As temporary house guests in their vacation home are to be enumerated the individuals that spent the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011 there, while their main residence is elsewhere.
These individuals are to answer the cases A1 and A2 of question 4. They are to answer Part B of question 4 "Temporary house guest".
The question "Have you been enumerated or are you going to be enumerated at your usual residence" is to be answered "Yes" for the individuals:

- that were enumerated at their permanent residence or were not enumerated at their permanent residence but they are to return there during the 15 days of the census taking and so they are to be enumerated there.
- that are living in households with more than one member and during the 15 days of the census taking there was a member of their household at their permanent residence to enumerate them.
In any other case the answer is negative.

Caution: In the case of a positive answer, the rest of the questions are not to be recorded. If the answer is negative, then the place of usual residence has to be recorded (i.e. the address of their permanent residence) and also all other questions of the form.
Bellow, examples for the completion of Part B "Temporary house guest" of question 4 are presented:

1) Individual living with other individuals, that spent the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011 at the dwelling of another household, is to be enumerated at the dwelling where he spent the night and in question "Have you been enumerated or are you going to be enumerated at your usual residence" the answer would be as follows:
a) "Yes" in the case where the "temporary house guest" were not absent from his permanent residence during all the 15 days of the census taking and therefore he is to be enumerated there, as well as in the case that was absent during all the 15 days of the census taking but there is during this period another household member at his permanent residence to enumerate him.
b) "No" in the case where the "temporary house guest" were absent from his permanent residence during all the 15 days of the census taking and there was not at his dwelling during this period another household member. In this case, his place of residence is to be recorded as well as all other questions of Form P-1.2.
[p. 22]
2) Individual living alone, that spent the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011 at the dwelling of another household, is to be enumerated as temporary house guest at the dwelling where he spent the night and in question "Have you been enumerated or are you going to be enumerated at your usual residence" the answer would be as follows:

a) "Yes" in the case where the "temporary house guest" were not absent from his permanent residence during all the 15 days of the census taking and therefore he is to be enumerated there.
b) "No" in the case where the "temporary house guest" were absent from his permanent residence during all the 15 days of the census taking. In this case, his place of residence is to be recorded as well as all other questions of Form P-1.2.

In exception, as temporary house guest found in the dwelling by the enumerator are to be considered the individuals who stated that:

- They are not members of the enumerated household.
- Did not spend the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011 at this dwelling.
- Were not enumerated already at their permanent residence and there were not another member there to enumerate them.
- They are not to return to their permanent residence before the end of the census, i.e. before the 24th of May 2011.
Caution, all the before mentioned prerequisites have to be fulfilled.
For these individuals, the enumerator would complete a special form, recording the data of the individuals enumerated in exception as temporary house guests according to the before mentioned criteria as well as the place of residence where they spent the night of the 9th to the 10th of May 2011.