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Characteristics of conventional dwelling
[Questions 2-4 were asked only of persons who live in conventional dwellings]

3. Type of building where the dwelling is located.

[] 1 In one-dwelling
[] 2 In two-dwellings
[] 3 In three or more dwellings
[] 4 In non-residential building

Floor _ _
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Question 3 "Type of building"
In this question the type of building where the dwelling is located has to be specified.

Case 1 is to be recorded with X if the enumerated dwelling is in a building constructed for housing and houses a single dwelling (single family house).
Case 2 is to be recorded with X if the enumerated dwelling is in a building constructed for housing and houses two dwellings.
Case 3 is to be recorded with X if the enumerated dwelling is in a building constructed for housing and houses three or more dwellings, i.e. a flat.
Case 4 is to be recorded with X when the enumerated dwelling is situated in a building that is not mainly used for housing, e.g. a building of offices, shops where the enumerated dwelling is located.

Then, the enumerator will record the floor where the dwelling is located starting with zeros where appropriate. If the dwelling is in the ground floor then 00 is to be recorded. If the dwelling is in the basement then 99 is to be recorded. For maisonettes, the higher fool is to be recorded.